We are all on social media now and being heard through the noise certainly requires cutting edge strategy. Today we are talking about writing effective press releases and stories that will benefit your brand building and product advertising.



Words that you should never use when talking about yourself on social media

As a music journalist and radio host my inbox is flooded with hundreds of requests from new artist and companies pitching music and products daily. It’s the nature of the business and I really don’t mind because I’d like to learn about new people and what they’re doing.

After all are we all here to connect that brings me to the point of the story today. People who are successful with their creations have learned that you only have a few brief moments to become memorable in this day and age.

When I started Reading through a few more of these request a shortlist started to come to mind that I thought would be very helpful to you as you try to figure out how to market your own business or personal brand in 2018.

This is not only for indie artist, it’s really applicable to anyone trying to get attention through email or social media today.

We all have stories to pitch and businesses to build. Its also a great idea to create your story and keep getting it out there but there are so many phrases that are being overused to the point of being in-effective in helping you to achieve your goals.

Try to remember that there must be a human aspect to everything that you write or create. If you can’t imagine repeating your story to someone in an interesting way who is sitting right in front of you then your pitch will certainly be ineffective.

It’s a busy world today and I think you’ll agree with me that time is our most cherished resource. As business owners and even dreamers in a highly electronic world, Time is what most stands in our way of achievement.

Key ingredients to pitching your story

That’s why it’s important to keep your story telling short yet effective. Long style stories are wonderful when told on blogs but if you need to map out your entire life before you can introduce your new announcement each time, the point of the this entire process will become old before it’s even had a chance of delivering your message.

After all, related content can be linked to anything and expressed through extended bios placed on your website. It serves you much better because if your pitch statement is amazing, then people can spend some time with your content by choice instead of making it a necessity in order to figure out what your purpose for the pitch actually is.

Another thing to be mindful of are overused exaggerated phrases such as indescribable, hit, amazing, acclaimed, award winning or any phrase that would be considered self proclaiming bloated boosting. When lined up against the next pitch, they are less likely to make you stand out and give a very unauthentic and impersonal feeling.

Believe it or not, I have seen many a pitch where a PR firm is announcing a song that has just been released either minutes or hours ago, and they go out of their way to already call it a hit. If nobody has heard something yet, there is no possible way it’s a hit, and that just makes you look unprofessional and insecure.

It’s much better to talk about the benefits and significance of what your doing than wasting a pitch with cold filler words that make your content look like an overly sugary copy of a press release gone wrong.

If you have management or a PR company writing for you, be sure to keep a check on everything they release.

After all, if the people working closely with you and the product or music they’re trying to sell to the masses can’t come up with even an effective and unique sentence to describe what you have created, nobody else can, right?

It’s all about emotional connections and if you can’t establish that each time you put something out to represent your lates creation, then how effective is your product in adding value to someone’s life.

After all as humans we spend our time looking to learn, and grow and experience. Your either going to contribute to that experience or become irrelevant so quickly in a very crowded space where valuable content is king and everything else just can’t get our attention.

Live Daily Stream: 

Story by
Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Music Journalist.



I’d love to hear your take on social media posts, podcasts, success stories, artists that have moved you. Leave us a voice mail on anchor or tweet me a video tagging @avaliveradio @jacquelinejax




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