The biggest obstacle we have faced is keeping band members. I used to be a prick to my band mates. I usually thought everyone that played music with me wasn’t good enough. I learned the hard way on that one.
Popichil’O Turning Poetry Into Music
I began writing poetry at a young age which eventually progressed into writing actual songs as a way to express myself creatively. It became a necessary outlet in order for me to understand and process certain thoughts and emotions I was feeling or going threw at any given time in my life. The good, bad and the ugly. It became therapeutic in a sense. Music allowed me to lose myself and find myself at the same time.
Black Bruce Wayne The Art of Intelligent Movement
Listen to the live interview Episode #450 Behind The […]
Chicago Phil Mitchell Band on Being Unique in The Music Business
“When you create things… become unique…….always keep to that first…..a […]
Alan Engelmann on Being Happy with How You Spend Your Time
“Imagine what it would be like to be a bird […]
Songwriter Matthew Morgan Speaks on The Chicago Music Business
“I live in Chicago and it’s a great town for […]
Chicago Indie Artist Sarantos Melogia on Being Humble
“Fans don’t realize how humbled I feel when they spend […]