My advice is sing for the passion of it and the fame, when you love what you do, its not work! I stand in the light and hope that my voice and lyrics can bring comfort to people. My goal is to produce music under my own label and also write for other artists.
Listen to the live interview
Episode #525: A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax :
Interview by Jacqueline Jax
host of A.V.A Live Radio
What defines “Success” to you…
Success to me is when someone is touched by my lyrics and music and it reaches their soul. Music has that special power and I’ve been able to spend my life bathing in it. I stand in the light and hope that my voice and lyrics can bring comfort to people. My goal is to produce music under my own label and also write for other artists.
What piece of music advice forever changed your way of thinking…
When my song “Broken”, actually changed a person from committing suicide that moment was very powerful to me. The message in the song touched their heart and it was then that I understood what my real purpose was. I was put on this earth to help others and through my gifts I can and am willing to serve.
Person Interviewing: Gayla James
Song Name: Love Letter
Music Genre: Urban Christian
This song is about…
writing a love letter to God on his grace and mercy and all the wonderful blessings he’s bestowed on us! This was a real story from my own experience. My husband was in the hospital and “Love letter” is my special message to God thanking him for my blessings, I feel that the video we created illustrated the true story bringing light to a moment in my life that I hopes to be able to share. I shared it in hopes that we can all celebrate the people who are part of our lives and remember that although we may loose our patience and perspective from time to time, we must appreciate those who we love and who are there for us. We must always be there for each other.
I just filmed a video for “I’m gone make you dance” in Miami. I’m hoping to bring a much different vibe to this project and relay to the audience crossing genres and showing the flexibility of my style.
My music is….
Unique and stands out of the box, it’s fits all ages and everyone can enjoy it. My Mom is a singer so at age 3 I started in a youth choir. I remember crying when my Grandmother put a microphone in my hand and pushed me out on stage. I went from crying to closing my eyes fast but eventually developed the skills and with time became better at focusing on my audience. With my training I am able to sing multiple genres from pop to R&B.
Unique and out of the box, its a blend of RnB, pop, soul and contemporary. Its not the everyday traditional gospel that’s been around for centuries. Its many stories and testimonies of my life and people around me.
This release is taking me into a direction that I can help people with the message in the songs, when people listen to my music I want them to be comfort and caressed by the message and the melody
I create my music in my personal studio, I would say I’m kind of of backwards, I hear the melody first then the lyrics comes to me like a story. I normally don’t collab with anyone, just me and my thoughts.
Link To Play:
Social media brings…
a big voice to the artist and allows us to connect with each other also get a better perspective on your music releases. I’ve been going live on my Facebook page about once a week and it’s brining me a fantastic response. I spend most of my time on Facebook over the past 7 years and it has become the main way that I stay connected with my audience. It does have it’s challenges but it’s still really nice to have a convenient way for those who are closest to me to catch up with my projects. I’m also able to connect with new people every day.
Sade and The Carpenters have always inspired me. I love blending of vocals and the spiritual feeling that music gives the singer and the audience. I’ve always had a love for spiritual styles.
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