Meet Lourdes Capall, a bright young female music artist with 68k instagram followers. How did she get those? Her efforts were much more of a strategy than a stumble and instagram has become her gateway to glory. Just recently, we sat down and got up close and personal on how she developed an intimate relationship with her music fans through an ever-changing social media platform that currently has more than 800 million monthly active users.
“I think I have been lucky with my efforts so far. Having the opportunity to share my music with you on this article and the readers of this website is without a doubt a pleasure and an honor. I do not have a manager or a label that supports me so as an artist I have to cover all production and advertising expenses my self. Instagram has allowed me to connect in a quick and artistic way with people, with a single “click” you can watch my videos and listen to some of my music, see photos of my career and my achievements. It also allows me to promote my publications and get more people to follow me. It’s incredible! ”
Interview by Jacqueline Jax
host of A.V.A Live Radio & Journalist
Music Artist & Influencer: Lourdes Capall
You now have 68k followers on instagram, from your experience what do you think are the advantages of that platform for you or any independent artist today?
Instagram has allowed me to connect in a quick and artistic way with people, with a single “click” you can watch my videos and listen to some of my music, see photos of my career and my achievements. It also allows me to promote my publications and get more people to follow me. It’s incredible!
Every social network has its faults but I love it because I think it is unique and gives more privacy to the followers. You can choose to privacy set your account and only accept certain people into your circle or you can have a very public page like my profile.
Of course, there are paid tools that support us with followers, but I think organic advertising is better in general because if you don’t connect with people yourself, you can follow thousands of people who will be ghosts and not loyal fans. I prefer to use my music as an attraction in marketing and advertising to let people follow me organically because they love my work. To me, that’s the best way. If you decide to pay to advertise a single, that’s different because it’s just added exposure instead of computer generated followers.
What do you think that instagram offers your music brand?
Undoubtedly Instagram gives vision and intimacy to the artist that I represent, to my music and projects. In the same way, it gives the opportunity to judge my momentum and test efforts in real time. For instance, when I post a picture, I watch for engagement and that gives me knowledge through likes and dislikes. The insights give me the opportunity to improve every week. Having that kind of clarity on a marketing effort is very helpful .
My current instagram strategy is
to intermingle music videos or music chats on advances in my music and projects that tell my followers more about who I am. This platform allows me to know more about myself and helps me to make my music known.
My favorite Instagram tools…
I love being able to upload stories because I am more in touch with my followers and without a doubt the live broadcasts help out because wherever we are we connect quickly, authentically and this tool encourages people to interact with me.
Now that you have achieved growth, how did you establish an Instagram following?
The help of distribution companies such as tunecore, which posts to my social networks and invites my followers to subscribe to me on instagram. The support of ReverbNation to give so many opportunities for growth and work in music is amazing as well. I feel that I have seen a lot of followers coming from my page on their website. YouTube has been the highest conversion. I think it is the key to my Instagram following because the platform doesn’t charge money to post my videos and music with the whole world.
The hashtags are incredible! They help me connect on topics and news about my music with all the pop music lovers on Instagram! I also use the hashtags to open that door to publicity at low cost through their paid advertising to boost my growth when I have a music release to promote!
What is currently your biggest challenge as you increase your followers and gain exposure today?
Without a doubt, I do not have a manager or a label that supports me so as an artist I have to cover all production and advertising expenses my self. I look for my work team and carry out marketing projects to make my music known. I have to work twice as hard to get the resources and continue to prepare myself to achieve better productions that people with love, otherwise they would not follow me.
Do you look for Brand deals and exposure opportunities?
I think I have been lucky with my efforts so far. Having the opportunity to share my music with you on this article and the readers of this website is without a doubt a pleasure and an honor. The first time I had such an opportunity was with a Spanish magazine that published me as an artist who was dominating music and exploiting my talent, it was very praiseworthy and still an honor for me. After that “PauseAndPlay” posted my song “Over Me (feat. Low F)” in their musical release article and things kept coming from then on.
It’s really important to make a big effort each day and really think about how to use what you have created to produce the most impact for the effort. I’m always learning and growing but for the moment, my strategy is working for me so I’ll keep going with it.
“I’m Thinkin ‘Bout” is my latest music release…
this song is about what’s love inside us. When we’re in love we stop to think about the world, we make that person that we love in our world. “It’s like a virus taking all” just as the song says. We think about many things but the true love is always our first thought, in every moment. It’s beautiful!
My Music Strategy for this release is..
For this release I plan to use paid publicity on networks like Instagram, Facebook and twitter to a public aimed at young people and adults who love pop and hip hop. I will also be using YouTube so that people can listen and see my music for free, I think if they like music they will easily follow me and I can win more fans that way. Today’s social media pages offer these awesome opportunities for new artists like myself to get in front of millions of people. To me, it’s worth every penny I spend to market my music and build my brand.
Links of social networks:
Facebook: Lourdes Capall :
Instagram: Iamlourdescapall :
Twitter: @Luucbll
Also featured in Medium:
“Confessions of a Female Music Artist on Instagram”