” I write songs because I love to do it and the money has never motivated me to the sense of achievement in getting a hit record. At the moment, I have already achieved in my eyes quite a lot, so anything more would be a great bonus. The pitfalls are the rejections but you overcome those by believing in the songs that you have written, like a rodeo rider you just hang in there.” -@MickjclarkJ
Listen to the interview: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2015/09/17/episode-258-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Biggest accomplishment…
To write a 350 page book, and give it to the very top people who critique books (Kirkus and Blue Ink) which cost me £1000.00, (ouch) because I had to find out if it was as good as I thought, and they liked it. The story is about a seventy year old man who spends most of his life in a room in his attic, all alone looking out at the stars. Because of the story and his situation I called it ‘Are You Lonesome Tonight?’, quite appropriate for his situation. I thought I might just get some Elvis Presley fans mistakenly picking it up. That’s a done deal now. A really big success story for my music hasn’t happened yet because I would want it to be about my song writing.
Life goal…
is to achieve (don’t laugh) a number One Hit, I would except a number two, three, four etc., which will continue for the rest of my life and will become my career.
My music…
brand is pop, rock, country and ballads, and I play with a couple of bands when they ask me, but I prefer to be in the studio writing and producing. I had my songs excepted by World Domination Music Publishers about 4 years ago and from there I signed with Nima Records. I have now released 2 albums called ‘Notes One’ and ‘Notes Two’, a Christmas EP and I have 2 Christmas songs on a Christmas album called ‘The Indie Christmas Album’. I am a singer/songwriter on The Nima Record Label, all my songs I write are different and they all tell a story.
Soldier Boy…
Sometimes when I get home from work, there are documentaries on the WW1/WW2, which I watch in horror and admiration at the heroism and the pain and suffering endued by so many. I think if you are a songwriter you take in what you see and translate your thoughts and feelings into music. How can you repay the price that the soldiers paid from WW1/WW2 and all the other conflicts since?
Upcoming album…
My next album will be a primarily rock album. Rock music, if it’s the right song, it can give you great feelings, energetic, rebellious,hyper energy, different than other genres of music. I’m not saying my rock album will do this, I just hope it does.
depends on how much time and money my record label and myself, (I do the time bit) can spend on it. I have learned that if a song is good enough the public will lock on to it, if the song is not good enough no matter how much promo you give it, it will not happen.
Living in Surrey…
I live in Croydon, Surrey, where the music scene is really good. Scream Studios in South Croydon is a great place to go to see live music.
Music industry…
Since I have entered this business I realize now that I will probably make no money, but though it would be great to earn pots of money, I write songs because I love to do it and the money has never motivated me to the sense of achievement in getting a hit record, (which I probably never will). At the moment, I have already achieved in my eyes quite a lot, so anything more would be a great bonus. The pitfalls are the rejections but you overcome those by believing in the songs that you have written, like a rodeo rider you just hang in there.
Single vs. album…
I wrote a book a few years ago, which was very well received and very well critiqued by Kirkus and Blue ink. For me, every page of a book has to be really entertaining to make you keep going, and for me it’s the same with an album, every song has to stand up on its own and try and be as good as a single in its own right. I guess I think a successful single would lead to a successful album.
I would love to have five minutes alone with…
Simon Cowell, ‘cigars all round’, ok just joking, but five minutes is long enough to play him one of my songs, and yes you do have to respect anyone who has achieved what he has, but he definitely doesn’t inspire me, can’t sing, can’t write but yes he could help me.
Music trends…
I don’t feel any pressure on being current or trendy, I try to write the best lyrics I can, and when the music is written, which ever direction it takes that’s what the song will be. That way it might sound current, I guess it depends on the listener and what they think.
Creation of the music…
The idea of a song might just come to me, or I will play around on my guitar or keyboard, or I might just hear a short melodic sound, I’ll take anything. Once I can get a start, then the work starts. Waking up in the night and writing down a lyric, and having the song in my head all the time until I finish it which can take some time, I don’t do twenty minute songs, everything has to fit and flow. On videos most of mine are printed lyrics over a picture, hopefully you would like the song and you can clearly read the words to the song. My record company does some and I have done some fun action videos myself, friends do the ‘technical stuff.’ Trust me, to write a hit song is a big enough challenge.
In my spare time…
I never rest much because I am a working bee. I give my music priority but I also am a part time self-employed electrician (I need the money). I also play five-side-football, badminton, and sometimes I have to go out running at night to keep fit. Every time I write a new song it really does take from start to Itunes, YouTube a lot of time, so, I don’t think I have any room to squeeze in anymore challenges.
Social media:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4cmIi5rg3zTQLJatgRppYg
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bonnyclark
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MickjclarkJ
Website: www.mickjclark.com
Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/mick-j-clark/id731309314