“Music isn’t just something I do, it’s my passion. When I’m in the studio is when I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. It’s something about being behind that mic & hearing myself & realizing how good I am at what I love that just motivates me to go harder & never stop.” – @Philthy_Money
February 3 – 2pm et:
Episode #294 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/02/03/episode-294-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
At a young age I loved music…
it helped me understand a lot especially some of things I went threw as a child. So I knew there was always something there. Then I got older & realized that music was a way I can express my feelings & still have fun doin it. Music isn’t just something I do, it’s my passion. When I’m in the studio is when I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. It’s something about being behind that mic & hearing myself & realizing how good I am at what I love that just motivates me to go harder & never stop.
Music business…
is interesting I can tell you that. But really it’s just all about if you know what your doing & who you know.
What I like about social media is…
you get the opportunity to push your music like you want to & if other people like it they can push it to so with that being said its a little easier to get heard.
Personally I love releasing singles…
because a lot of the songs I do I feel like they are hits. They just have to get heard by the right person. And with a album if someone listens to the first song & they don’t like it I’m pretty sure they won’t listen the rest of the album that’s just how it goes. Plus with dropping singles you can get artwork done for the song which may interest someone to listen to the song just because the artwork is tight.
To be honest with you everybody has their own opinion on trends…
on that but you have to realize to really get heard you have to rap about what people want to hear. Don’t get me wrong you don’t have to do anything but be honest with yourself. Do you think rapping about some stuff people don’t care about is going to get you heard?
3 ways I challenge myself…
1. I try to make multiple genre songs talking about different things, I want to be a versatile rapper.
2. I also work with multiple artist so on my songs I can challenge myself. You can’t let someone get on your song & their verse be way better than yours lbs so it’s always a challenge.
3. I write all the time so I always have material so I’m never not able to lay something down when at the studio.
Clout Up…
The story behind this song where do I start lol? But naw.. it’s just a song I came up with just asking why do so many people hate on the next person for being successful. That’s a lot of people’s problem now a days they’re to worried about the next person & what he or she is doing but won’t get out here and make it happen for themselves. Everybody wants to be rich and have all the finer things in life but don’t want to put the work in that’s going to make those things possible for them. It’s also explaining that I don’t gang bang, clic bang or any of that but at the same time I ain’t for none so don’t try it. I refuse to ever go broke in anyway & I’m not worried about the fame, I would rather be rich than famous any day!
From my music you can expect a picture of my childhood & what I really do this for. I talk about a lot of the things that are going on in Minnesota between a lot of rappers & just people here period. Let’s get something straight though I don’t sneak diss in any of my raps but if the shoe fits wear it. If I’m rapping about someone In particular I’m going to come direct.
I live in Minnesota/Twin Cities…
there’s really not a strong fan base here but the music scene is coo I guess. I Love going to the studio it’s were I go to escape from all this bs & make hits. I have a passion for music and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’m not going to lie…
I’m kind of scared to die because I don’t know what I’m going to in the afterlife. If you haven’t died then you don’t know & it’s crazy to think about. But besides that I’m not scared of anything.
Like maybe 9-10 months ago…
I was ranked #162 on National Radio AirPlay. That’s crazy when you think about it like I was up there with names like Ke$ha, Chris Brown ect.
My overall goal for my career & life is…
to obviously make billions so I can support the people I love & when I have a family give them what I didn’t have. I want to make sure when I die my kids are set & won’t have to worry about anything! But I also want to make a name for myself that will live forever, I want to be the Michael Jordan of rap. I know I have a long way to go but I will strive & put in the work until I reach these goals. On my worst days I won’t give up I’m going to go harder.
Philthy Money a.k.a. King Philthy is from Minneapolis, MN. Philthy Money was born; Jamal Anderson-Rhoden, in South Minneapolis but grew up on the North side of Minneapolis!
Philthy Money got his start with the Northside Hustlaz Clic under the Versitale Records label at the age of 17 years old!
Philthy Money recorded is first album titled; “Turn Up”, in 2014!
Philthy Money has recently recorded two singles; “350” and “NLN (No Lil Nigga)”! These singles were collaborated with an artist who is working with Versitale Records; Zeakey On The Beat, a.k.a. Freakey Zeakey!
The genre of music is Rap and Hip-Hop, however, Freakey Zeakey is mainly R&B. Versitale Records and Philthy Money can be found on “ReverbNation” and “CD Baby” as well as various internet radio stations, i.e. iHeart, Spotify and Tidal, just to name a few!
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