Concerning music business…
(and I refer only to the Italian one, the only I know best) the only people they could change something are artists themselves. Labels and magazines are not responsible about lack of innovation and originality in music. Music business is bad because artists themselves are the very first to make compromises. They betray themselves. If artists were really genuine, they don’t fold to modify their works to fame and business. The audience is looking for truth and people easily forgets “tin” artists. – @silversnakem
Live interview
Episode #345 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax :
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Silversnake Michelle
Concerning music business…
(and I refer only to the Italian one, the only I know best) the only people they could change something are artists themselves. Labels and magazines are not responsible about lack of innovation and originality in music. Music business is bad because artists themselves are the very first to make compromises. They betray themselves. If artists were really genuine, they don’t fold to modify their works to fame and business. The audience is looking for truth and people easily forgets “tin” artists.
There are many bad things about my experience…
Some of these are mentioned above. Other, for instance, is this kind of urge to compete and the envy between musicians.
The good thing is mainly this sort of soul exchange. And all experiences are essential for this. They are all personal growth and a discover of a new way of life. That’s why I love to focus on all good things about this profession. As poet Dante Alighieri once said… I don’t bother about remainder, but I look forward and I move on.
Singles vs an album…
These are two very different concepts. So far I compose two albums just because I had an idea and all songs are bound together.
For me an album is a collection with a whole story inside. It is not just a set of songs. I cannot really imagine a “no concept” album. A single track is a particularly striking song making its own story. A momentary feeling, without outline.
Social media…
It’s a good thing because they give visibility, but, you know, nowadays everybody could be an artist (sometimes even without knowing it). They become celebrities posting totally useless viral videos with any specific message. To be honest I hate social forums. Maybe once were useful to introduce someone to the world, but now is only abuse and futility. It is all so fake.
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with…
Alone with God. I’m joking 🙂 So well, talking about human beings, I’d do a chitchat with a very fascinating character: Syd Barret, I believe that we have many points in common
I’m looking for a balance…
Both in music and in my look, I’m looking for myself and sometimes yes there is a lot of emphasis, but I believe that it is part of me and of provocative and lashing character that I’ve created.
My favorite music quote or inspirational quote is… “If you want to be a rock star or just be famous, then run down the street naked, you’ll make the news or something. But if you want music to be your livelihood, then play, play, play and play! And eventually you’ll get to where you want to be.” – Eddie Van Halen
I realized that I did not yet live fully. Something did stop halfway. The death of a dear friend of mine made me open my eyes and so I decided to really get involved in something. I wished to express myself choosing the art that best depicted my instinctive and ephemeral soul.
Time runs fast, too fast…. this is not life. Everything is trapped in a spin cycle turning faster and faster. Time runs more and more… the body crumbles and the world it’s melting. While I’m looking for the invisible inside myself, the world doesn’t seem to care about me and my being. Even the world doesn’t seem to care of itself. No one listen to what happens into others, no one listen to himself. Time passes and I can not find my way and I feel my dreams are shattered, and I remain trapped in a dead end, so anxiety vortex and lies suffocate me. And I run after the life that does not stop to wait for me.
I was staring at the spin cycle of my washing machine and I perceived this crazy sensation of life in a vortex. So I told myself… There’s whole human beings in there, unknowingly living their lives dragged by an uncontrolled motion. A life leading anywhere. So I wrote DEAD END and for this song I create a whirling arrangement.
“Her Snakeness” is a concept album…
It is the continuation of the first album “So in my mind…”, and it represent a kind of virtual suicide have in place to be reborn in a new way. The notion of time, continuously harassing me, come back in every song and it merges sometimes with the notion of space. Clock is ticking, relentlessly reducing the gap to the end of our life’s journey. I feel that her “time” does not match the “time” of the rest of mankind. This make me feel different and uneasy, losing the sense of my life. An unreal and fictional life. I feel like having my soul “stuck into body”. The void is so unbearable I decide to fill it with food, sex, alcohol, and the anger raise and with this anger I do not recognize anymore her mirror image. That mirror taking on reality a warped shape, absurd and surreal and then “the future comes before the past…”.
I live in Milan, Italy…
Music scene here is … difficult. It is very hard for upcoming artists to play live and submit their music to audience. Venues only cares about tributes and cover bands. Also talent shows play a crushing role because they hog new productions and there’s no other chance to get noticed.
Being a musician in Italy…
Last thing… here to be a musician is considered like a hobby and not like a real job. Upcoming artists must spend a lot of money to produce music but since venues and labels consider this an hobby…. well… why reward this?
I like to visit…
Usa and Japan. But I’d like to go in many countries with different cultures to contaminate my music and create something new
I like to go back to childness…
Sometimes I like to play with my son and to do mess with him. Preparing cakes with strange ingredients or paint with hands and play with vernis or running under the storm.
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