Ronnie Allman Jr piano

“I do not worry about trying to sound like everyone else. That is the problem. We have too many artists that are not unique in their craft. I have my own sound, my own way of writing, and my own way of playing the music God gives me.” – @sharkman403

Listen to the interview
Episode #294 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax :

by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio

Music business is…
a very complicated industry. I believe it’s who you know that can get you to where you want to go. Pros experienced are getting the chance to get the music out to a wider range of people with the help of CD Baby who distributes to pretty much ever digital music vendor. Cons experienced are I am a no body and no one wants to give a no body a chance unless you have one million views on YouTube. I just accept the fact unless God opens the door then I will stay content doing what I am doing in Fort Worth, Texas.

I like social media because…
it gives me the opportunity to connect with people that I would not normally get a chance to meet and connect with.
Come Up Here is the first single I have released. It was most defiantly quicker to release the single versus the last album. My marketing strategy was no different. I share the music on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

I would like to have 5 minutes alone with Chris Tomlin….
He is a Texas boy around the same age that could defiantly shine some light on what it takes to get your music heard on a larger market.

I do not worry about trying to sound like everyone else…
That is the problem. We have too many artists that are not unique in their craft. I have my own sound, my own way of writing, and my own way of playing the music God gives me.

I started playing guitar when I was 7…
I started playing in church shortly after that. I played guitar in church until I was 18. When I turned 18 I began playing the piano/keyboard. Since then I have primarily played and led from the keyboard. Every once in a while I get to return to my first love and play the guitar. I have always had a passion for singing and playing music.

Come Up Here…
The song is about people surrendering themselves completely to Jesus Christ. Come Up Here is a way of sharing with people that the God that created them is not untouchable. Come Up Here allows people to go through the stages from Jesus on the cross to Him sitting at the right hand of His Father, God. Come Up Here allows the listener to see themselves sitting on God’s lap and seeing everything He sees, including, Jesus sitting to their right. Come Up Here is a personal invitation from God to them.

Originally a friend’s husband came to me and asked me to read Revelation 4:1. He told me that he felt there was a song in that scripture that I needed to write. A short time later I sat down and wrote the song. The song sat dormant for approximately 4 years because I personally did not think anyone would like it. April 2015 on Easter Sunday I decided to sing it as a special. When I was done I looked up and I do not believe there was a dry eye in the church building. Several members of my church pushed me to record the song so we did just that. I hope and pray that the song will have the same impact on others as it did on the members of my church.

I hope and pray that the music God gives me will impact, heal, and restore the mounds of people that have been hurt in their life. I pray the music will lead them to Jesus Christ who can and will save, heal, and give them an eternal purpose upon this earth. I hope and pray this song and other songs I produce will help give meaning to people. I have begun marketing Come Up Here along with my latest album “Heart of a Finisher” on CD Baby, ITunes, Spotify, and Reverb Nation to name a few.

I live in Fort Worth, Texas…
Approximately 30 miles to the West of Dallas. I have been living in Fort Worth for 7 years and do not believe it has much of a music scene. Fort Worth is known for the stockyards and Billy Bobs. I like to hang out with family and friends as much as possible.


I fear…
Not being the best I can be for my God and family.
Success is being happy with…
what you are doing and not basing it on what the world defines success as which usually involves money. I am most proud of being a father, daddy, and husband. I have an awesome family which in my book defines my meaning of success.
My overall goal in life is to be the best I can be for God, my wife, my children, and my church. The music will take care of itself.

I challenge myself…to learn from my mistakes.
I challenge myself to make and sound better each time I speak or sing.
I challenge myself to continue to make music that people will like to sing.

Social Media Links:
Music Video: Being shot 1/31/16
CD Baby:
Facebook: Ronnie Sharkman Allman, In His Presence Worship Ministry, In His Presence Worship Center, GodSense TV
Instagram: @ihpwc