Game Changer Interview 

Featuring… Kalvin J. Evans

Kalvin, owner of Xodus Ventures, LLC, has a passion for fitness, wellness, adventure, and changing people’s lives! Since 1998, he has been involved in fitness from leading Boot Camp workouts, Reebok Cycling Instruction, Personal Training, to Kettle Bell Training. He has also coordinated adventure trips for kids and adults since 2000, ranging from rock-climbing, kayaking, hiking, and mountain biking!
After spending nearly 3 years at NorthBay, an outdoor environmental adventure camp near Baltimore Maryland, Kalvin Evans and family relocated to Colorado to launch their fitness, adventure, & preparedness consulting business helping clients get healthy, in shape, and living life as an adventure! His goal is to create a new wave in fitness, survival, and adventure using non-traditional forms of training.

In 2011, he was selected to compete on the reality television program, One Man Army: Fear Is Not An Option which aired on the Discovery Channel. Currently, he is training clients and traveling to veteran retreats as a speaker before launching a national campaign. He wants to offer retreats for individuals who are serious about reaching their health/fitness goals, offer adventure trips, and work with young people in helping them reach their potential. A new website is currently up and found at! Be Super Strong!

Helping to build a healthy community; one body, one mind, & one spirit at a time!

What got me started…
was as a young, skinny, sickly kid growing up, I didn’t start exercising until my 8th grade year in middle school.  I then started exercising when I went into High School and noticed my abilities start to drastically improve.  I lifted weights and started dunking while playing basketball.  I became more solid in my sports play as well as stronger in my overall fitness.  After graduating high school, I joined the U.S. Air Force to become a Russian and Chinese Linguist. 

During my training, I attended Survival School in Spokane, Washington where I learned about the importance of being in shape to overcome survival situations.  It was in Survival School that I learned the importance of taking care of myself in order to be prepared for whatever unlikely situation could happen…After leaving the Air Force after 8 years, I worked in corporate America for a couple of years until I focused on fitness and becoming a fitness bootcamp instructor. 

After a couple of years working as an instructor, I struck off on my own to form my own business to help people get in shape in order to live life as an adventure.  It made me sad to watch people whom wanted to go kayaking, traveling, biking, swimming, etc. not fulfill their adventure because they were not in shape to live out their dreams.  I am inspired to help people to be the BEST person he/she is willing to become!
My company offers…
value beyond anywhere else because of the tools that I offer that are affordable and reliable.  The cost is reasonable and ANYONE can get the training via online or in person via 1-on-1 training, group training, and video conferencing.  The tools that I share with my clients to reach fitness and wellness are reliable, cost effective, as well as easy to follow.
Social media…
has been my main source of marketing as well as building a brand.  It also helps that I competed in the Discovery Channel show, One Man Army:  Fear Is Not An Option which also helped create a following that proved my philosophy about the importance of fitness. 

I have a facebook page, instagram account, linkedin account, youtube account, and email list that’s close to a thousand subscribers.  I put out information, videos,and pertinent information through blogging.  I am also blogging for the Beverly Hills Magazine online as well as for a couple of homeschooling online communities.
Business vs personal…
It’s a very precarious situation to balance my business as well as my personal life.  As I am trying to build a brand with sending out a press release just last week to blogging, I work with 4 extra foster care kids we are trying to adopt as well as raise 5 kids of our own with one more already married.  I hustle daily with creating a brand that on some days feels to be moving forward and on other days sometimes feels stalled.  I am learning the importance of finding people better at marketing than I am to help me take this to the next level.   My major hurdle is time and the need to find the RIGHT marketing team to help me!
My long term goal is…
to have a show that will work to inspire young and old the need for exercise to live a life of adventure.  I have been taking steps for years to narrow my focus and find the right people who can help me reach my goals for the show.  Working with a videographer, broadcasting company, and a web builder in preparing the next phase of my business.  I’ve been working on this phase since 2011 and believe that within the next 2-3 years I should be producing the show.
Of all of the tasks that I do so far…
I enjoy blogging and speaking in front of people the most. I love to share my passion regarding fitness, wellness, and preparedness.  I enjoy talking and inspiring people; especially, young people!  Least favorite thing to do is administration work.  I don’t like getting bogged down with the administering of paperwork, financials, clearances, etc.  However, I do what I have to do and am familiar with what needs to be done!


Success looks like for me with a successful show…
traveling all over the world, building my dream home, and helping communities transform into wonderful places to raise families as well as inspire other communities to become better.

My social media pages are as follows: