“A fear is really just a word! If you get a good teacher and you practice the right way everyday, you will be successful in conquering any fear.” @LukeLdpjats

Listen to the interview: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2015/09/10/episode-255-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax

Jacqueline Jax logo photoGETTING TO KNOW LUKE DOMOZICK
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio

I got started in music…

around the age of 15. My friend gave me a tape of Pearl Jam and that really changed my life!

I live out in the mountains of Montgomery Massachusetts…

This place has an amazing view, but that’s it! There are a few great little music communities near here. They really excel in supporting local original music, but for the majority of them, they are cover bands. However, the mountains of Montgomery are also a great area for hiking and for doing stand-up paddle boarding since they are surrounded by a lot of lakes.

I challenge myself by…

keeping things new. Also, I always try to write something I would not have written a year ago or explore opera since it is such a different kind of music to listen to.

My biggest fear in life was…

to sing in front of people. However, that fear is gone! A fear is really just a word! If you get a good teacher and you practice the right way everyday, you will be successful in conquering any fear.

Success for me is…

connecting music to strangers. I hope one of my song can help someone or just make them tap to the beat. Also, getting that reaction live is quite rewarding since you can look into the audience and see a stranger getting into a song.

“Yield” is…

my new single! It is a song about putting forth your true identity and not caring what people think. It is kind of an old new song since I wrote the music 8 years ago in a cabin in upstate New York. However, the words surfaced only in the past couple of years.



My latest project…

I’m in the process of shooting a documentary on the struggles of being an independent artist from western Massachusetts. It should be done by fall time!

Being current is normal because…

music has always been about trends. Whatever is popular is what is cool! I never got into the trends much, but if I like it, I do not care what anyone thinks. Too many people care what others think! In terms of my own music, I just write what I know and like and I stick with it, no matter what the trends are.

Social media is awesome…

for getting your music out! Soundcloud, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook all allow you to reach a wider audience faster and easier than 10 years ago.

Marketing your music is very important…

if you want to succeed. I am not very good at it, but I always look for good companies to help me with that. I think you really have to be your true music self and try to find something strong to market yourself with.

The future of singles…

I believe the world is headed to singles being released! It is sad, but everyone’s attention span is so small! You click on a ten second clip and you do not even give a song a chance! I love recording, but I find people just pick a few songs to download and that’s it! It is very sad to see as a musician.

The music business is rough…

Everything I hear about the music business seems to be bad! A lot of the top acts say that you should never take record deals because it can be done on your own. The deals just seem to lead to a loosing situation. You get a big monetary advance allowing you to record, tour, market yourself, but it never covers all of the expenses and it eventually carries over to your next record.

Luke Domozick Social Media Links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLdpjats
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Luke-domozick-music/1389130771343218
You can listen to Luke Domozick’s music at :http://www.reverbnation.com/lukedomozick
and https://soundcloud.com/ldats/yield