“I challege myself by making realistic goals for myself. I try to stay relevant and write good music. I like to record with a budget that exceeds your production expectations, and play live shows.” @mst0ne
Listen to the interview: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2015/09/24/episode-259-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
You challenge yourself by…
making realistic goals for myself. I try to stay relevant and write good music. I like to record with a budget that exceeds your production expectations, and play live shows.
You are afraid of…
not being able to play live. There will come a day when this happens, and I actively avoid it.
Your personal definition of success is…
making music my friends and fans will like so I can continue to make more music.
I dropped out of high school…
to jump into a touring road band, which I wouldn’t suggest to anyone. Almost exactly a year to the date that I joined that band, it broke up so I went back and finished school and got my diploma. I continued persuing music through various cover bands until I joined Juggernaut. Juggernaut was a fairly successful music project signed to Noise Records. Our first album, “Black Pagoda” did well for us, but the second one was shelved, and the band broke up. I went back to cover bands. At one point, I was doing five projects at once, until it hit me that even though I was content making a living playing music, I would not be happy until I was in a band playing my music. So, Mark Stone and the Dirty Country Band was born.
No Ones Leaving …
is a relationship song. It’s about the break ups I’ve had to go through to get to the love that I’ve found.
There will be a new single released in 2016...
We are excited to get back into the studio to record our next single “Our Love Will” It’s a very reflective song I wrote shortly after the death Kyle M Scott. Kyle was rear ended by a vehicle doing well over 100 on the freeway. I knew him as an amazing musician. He played the electric singing-saw on the track “My Neck of The Woods” off “The Sequel” Album. Somebody is gonna call me to use that track in a horror movie eventually.
You like singles because…
doing a single at a time as an artist allows you to think about the true vision of that song not how it fits or doesn’t fit with anything else. We are going to release the upcoming single instead of an album because we are thinking about a subscription service for our fans directly from our website. The single may at some point be a part of an album, but either way, fan subscriptions to our website will give the fans a chance to connect directly with us and us to them through exclusive content.
The music scene in your area is…
mostly covers but we play both our songs and covers at our shows. We all live in Minnesota. If we aren’t playing I throw the wife on the back of the bike or she throws me on the front of it.
The music business is…
Well, it’s a business. People are trying to make a living and no one can support themselves without proper compensation. Even if one is comfortable living modestly, that still costs something.
Social Media…
makes it easy to connect with a people via the ‘Almighty Algorithm.’ If you consider that each individual you meet these days is a network waiting to happen, it opens up the potential to connect with people from all over the world.
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with…
my wife. I treasure all the time we get to spend together. She laughs because most of the songs are about us. It’s cool that some people can really relate to what I write about on some level.
Music trends are…
This is an interesting question. I would answer to thine own self be true. I do think that there’s more exploration to be done in mixing grunge, southern rock, mid-western music, and country.
Social Media:
Press kit: http://bit.ly/mst0neEPK
Website: http://markstonemn.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/mst0ne
Facebook: http://facebook.com/markstonemn
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/shad0wst0ne