Person Interviewing: Teresa Schwittau

About the Artist…

I’m a simple small-town girl who has been through a lot, just like almost everyone else. I’ve been writing poems since I was 12 years old and was introduced to music and instruments growing up. I developed a love for instruments such as piano, and guitar as well as a love for singing and rapping during this time. 

In my mid-teen years, I was introduced to the streets, and rapping became my complete passion. I learned to find a way to express my emotions and feelings through my two favorite things, music, and poetry. Music helped to move me away from getting caught up with the wrong crowds. My passion and strength saved me from those pitfalls of the environment around me. That was a blessing. 

Song name: THIS IS WAR

Music Genre:: Hip-Hop, R & B

(This Is War) Inspired by my haters, and the people who try to find any reason to pick a fight with me as I live and breathe, basically expressing how I feel being inside my head at the beginning of the song, to opening up to the external war I’m having with others.

Saying don’t mess with me, but if you do…You’re gonna unleash hell on yourself because I’m a darn good enemy, and then you will find yourself in a war with me that you shouldn’t attempt because you couldn’t carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, therefore I’m here to take my crown. You couldn’t be me let alone beat me.

I live in… 

I live in Oregon. Spent most of my life in Oregon. I was originally born in Halifax County, Virginia.

Who has been the most influential in your music and why? 

Eminem, and not because he’s just the GOAT… But because he speaks the relatable truth.

Because growing up I could relate to a great portion of his music, and besides my poetry and music keeping me going, Eminem’s music did that for me as well. He inspired me to go out and conquer my dreams of becoming a rapper, no matter what obstacle you tend to face. As his famous quote “You can do anything, you set your mind to man..” I told myself the same thing every day.

My other biggest influence is GhostULikeItILoveIt, not only is his music amazing, he as a person is amazing. The best boss/producer I could ever ask for. He believed in me, way before I could completely believe in myself. And he is a very hard worker. When he says he is gonna do something, he does it. There are no limitations when it comes to working with him.

When did you know that this was the right path for you? 

Growing up through certain complications as a child, around my high school years I took interest in attending small rap battles with the local rappers in my high school. When I was on the streets for a while, I took even more interest when It became my complete passion to achieve making music.

What do you like most about what you do? 

I enjoy expressing my emotions and events I’ve experienced throughout my life through music and poetry, to try and help and inspire others.

What do you most hope to accomplish with your influence?

I hope to accomplish changing people’s lives, and my story is told. I hope to accomplish becoming an amazing rapper that I wanted to be ever since I was younger.

What is the biggest obstacle you have faced in your career, and how did you overcome it?

The biggest obstacle I ever had to face was myself.

Being in this career I never expected myself to get this far. Yet I was still looking at myself thinking I was never gonna be good enough. So my only obstacle was staring me in the face every time I looked in a mirror.

What do you want people to remember most about you and your career?

My life story and how I managed to achieve every obstacle I came to face. I want them to remember how my music was honest unlike most the music today.

What are you most looking forward to this next month? 

I’m looking forward to continuing to inspire people with more music I write and meeting new people.

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