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Episode #433: A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax :

Jacqueline Jax logo photoGETTING TO KNOW STEREO GUNS
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio

Stereo Guns
Andrew DeVita (Vocals)
Piero Nunziata (Guitar)
Anthony Feliciani (Bass)
George Stathakis (Guitar)
Luca Caraccaiolo (Drums, Vocals)


The song was written in the jam room…
with our instruments in hand. We spent lots of time crafting all the parts and lyrics to ensure the message and arrangement felt right. Each band member brings with him a lot of experience playing and working in the music scene. It was a great experience putting our heads together for a common goal and trying to not let ego get in the way. ‘Drunken Love’ was recorded at ‘The Backroom’ in Mimico by Mike Borkosky using a combination of live and digital instruments.

The biggest ego in the room has to be the song itself so that always has to be the full focus. We work hard to find common ground among the members as we work. We think it’s important to remember that everyone has something to contribute.

Music Business…
We feel that the music business is struggling. Over time songs/albums have reduced in price leaving it very difficult for a musician creating original music to make a living. An album that once cost over 20$ with 10-14 songs can now be bought for less than 10$ and furthermore, entire archives of music can be streamed for a small monthly fee. This leaves live performing as a musician’s basis for earning a living. However, our once beloved live venues are closing down one by one on a seemingly monthly basis. There does not seem to be an audience for live bands anymore and it is greatly concerning to the fabric of the artistic community.
The mainstream music business has become very superficial. Youth and Image have trumped musicianship for sometime now. If you do not fit the model of what is generating the most revenue for the record label you are signed to, you may never have a chance at earning a living with your music. We wonder if some of the greatest artists of all time would even have a chance in today’s music business because of this.
One cannot mention the music business without mentioning the role of technology. It has opened up a world of sounds and styles that continue to evolve. It has made creating music so accessible and provides each prospective artist with a worldwide audience and opportunity to be heard. However earning a living this way requires a huge time and financial commitment before you can have a chance on earning a living.
Each of us has had good and bad experiences in the music scene. Performing live for thousands of people and at times for no one at all. Earning a fair wage for a performance/recording and at times having your earnings reduced for no reason or receiving nothing at all.

In spite of the good and bad each of us has experienced we continue to play and create because of our overwhelming passion for music.


Drunken Love…
is about the excitement and lust of the late night party scene. The song speaks about heartbreak and filling the emptiness you feel with substances and temporary relationships to numb the pain. As much excitement as the party lifestyle brings, you end up in a repetitive cycle that ends up leaving you wanting more and exposing a more deep rooted emotional issue. We feel the song can connect to anyone who has been through the ups and downs of heartbreak, especially those in their 20’s who may spend a lot of time in the party scene. Each of us in the band has had our own experiences that are reflected in this song. We hope you enjoy and connect with it as we do.


The Music…
What people can expect from our music and upcoming album is a unique pop/rock sound that aims to be current but at the same time preserves the integrity and substance of classic songwriting. We hope the modern dance/pop sound with a touch of rock can bring something unique and edgy to the music industry. Like all great music, these finely crafted works come from personal experiences; we use what we’ve learned and went through to speak to and relate to our audience through our music.


Michael Jackson and/or Prince. It is incredibly difficult to have 5 musicians agree on one name but we settled on these because of their timeless melodies and how their music was able to reach any and every audience regardless of what their musical tastes were. Find someone who does not have a Michael Jackson song they like and you will find someone who maybe has never listened to music in their life.

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