If you want to achieve your dreams, you have to be willing to work hard. There’s no replacement for putting in the effort.
Listen to the live interview Episode #498: A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://tobtr.com/10150829
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Person Interviewing: Joshua Waithe
Mapping out a Legacy…
You have to be confident and look at the vision you have for your own future. Don’t take anything for granted and keep inspiring others through your skills. I want people to feel good about life and themselves. I hope that my legacy gives that to people as they discover what I do.
Music business …
I have experienced many shady things in the music industry. I have heard a lot of promises from a lot of people in exchange for cash. Usually these promises are false. There are many people out there preying on the lack of knowledge that artists have and the determination to make it into the top 1 percent of artists in the industry. I have the pros of working with a Grammy award winning producer at the moment for the EP I am creating. I also have the pros of being close friends with one of the biggest hip hop promoters in Toronto. I feel like I am in a great position. I need to just create another avenue for someone to hear all of my ideas.
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with…
Adele. I would love to just trace her journey back from her humble beginnings to the current day. Adele is such a big inspiration to me because she doesn’t necessarily have the pop star looks and she never let that stop her from going all the way. I know a lot of women who give up in the music industry because they don’t look a certain way. For Adele to be an icon for females is just so inspiring, she looks like an average woman that you would see walking down the street. I also want to learn how she gained such great control over her voice, because that is not an easy thing to master.
Song name: Fiyah
Music Genre/ category : Indie R&B
The song was written out of strong emotions that I have experienced when I noticed how much good I was doing for people that I cared about. I noticed that people I cared about were not noticing the extra mile that I was going for them. It is just a reminder to the people that you care about, the ones that you are always there for, that you are committed to being there for them. It’s a song not necessarily seeking just appreciation but acknowledgement of the hard work and dedication given.
Link: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1201908476?ls=1&app=itunes
You can expect a unique sound and a strong message from my first EP. It is significant to me because it speaks to stages in my life that have given me the ability to reflect on and grow as a person. Also, some songs were written from other perspectives, and not necessarily something that I’ve been through, so that was exciting to portray in my music.
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