“I think the hardest part at least for me , is getting into the actual business and getting people to take you seriously. I’ve had and still do have many falls but I’m slowly starting to see progress and my connections are growing, which is also a vital thing in doing music. Whenever I have downfalls, I just keep in mind that you get what you give. If you put in little to no effort, you’ll get back little to no results.” – @CullenEmadrey
Listen to the Live Interview
Episode #332 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/06/15/episode-332-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Music business…
It’s trivial and takes a lot of trial, error and patience. I think the hardest part at least for me , is getting into the actual business and getting people to take you seriously. I’ve had and still do have many falls but I’m slowly starting to see progress and my connections are growing, which is also a vital thing in doing music. Whenever I have downfalls, I just keep in mind that you get what you give. If you put in little to no effort, you’ll get back little to no results. Take the downfalls, realize where you went wrong and keep it moving. Accept them as lessons and don’t dwell on them.
Social media…
I Like that social media gives you a chance to connect with more of the world with ease. When used for good it’s also a great way to market and get your name out without having to be “famous”. I haven’t had any real challenges other than simple promotion for music but you have to start somewhere.
Singles vs an album…
I wouldn’t know what I prefer because I have yet to release an album. Surprisingly releasing a song actually has a LOT more components than people would think. So I can only imagine the process for an album.
Following Music Trends…
Everyone thinks that they have to be current and follow what’s trending. Where’s the creativity in doing that? Honestly I just do whatever I’m feeling in the moment. I’ll get inspired by anything I can vibe to and incorporate them into my own style.
I am most afraid of…
My best not being enough, and growing up.. ha-ha.
My personal definition of success is…
Success to me, is reaching your personal dream and beyond. I used to be horrified of singing in front of crowds, but thanks to my best friend Tj (Terri Schuh) pushing me to do my best, I was able to overcome it. Being able to sing in front of people boosted my confidence and proved that I could be myself without a second thought about it. I started out with gigs with Tj and eventually I started getting more and more engagements. My breakthrough performance was the one I had at the Launch Showcase, it was the most people I had ever performed in front of.
My overall goals for my life & career are…
is to provide, be happy, make others happy, leave a positive mark, and to prove those who doubt me wrong.
3 Ways that I challenge myself …
• Keep up in school: (Moves me toward being able to provide, I want to earn a degree in business or engineering along with being a musician).
• Search for Gigs and opportunities. (Getting more performances will allow me to spread my name out to more people which really helps make my mark).
• Planning (failing to plan means you planning to fail)
I’ve had an honest love for music since I was little…
but I didn’t start taking it seriously until I saw other people in my community that I knew personally, find the courage to release a video or a cover on Soundcloud. My musical friends and I basically from then on just took that and ran with it. Covers eventually turned into songwriting and originals.
Titled Tension…
the title honestly is pretty self-explanatory. The main Idea of this song is basically a rant coming from a Teenager going through stuff like people leaving, feeling used, being judged, and the feeling of wanting to escape. This song addresses some of that from prior experiences I’ve had.
My Music is un-predictable…
from a listener’s perspective. My style will change like so fast. People who know me have seen my playlist go from R&B to Rock then to Jazz or some EDM. But I think that’s one thing that makes me stand out as an artist, I’m not limited to one genre, I like everything and plan on trying out different types of sound and styles. I want people to hear my music and get that feeling you get listening to something genuine, something from the heart. I want people hear my sound and understand that what I’m conveying and I want them to be able to relate if they can.
I currently stay in Detroit…
The music scene in Detroit is blooming beautifully and I am definitely expecting to see some Detroit locals go big. They’re contributing to the rise of Detroit. Downtown Detroit is one of my favorite place to go when I have time. I’m always trying to get down there just to be surrounded by the art, the scenery and just to admire the growth of it. During my free time you’ll often find me writing, or just hanging out with my closest friends. I’m not much of a party person, but on the occasion that I do go out I’ll get pretty wild.
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with…
Aaliyah. I loved the way she carried herself as an artist and as a person. She was always classy, humble and her charisma was so natural and smooth. What inspired me most about her is how ahead of her time she was. She was crazy innovative and original and accomplished so much in her 22 years.
Social Media:
Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/CullenEmadrey
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cullen-Emadrey-484764038351213/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CullenEmadrey
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/emadreycullen
Instagram: @Cullenemadrey
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc1tNb5bobwlgpe8wUhOymQ
Tension Streaming Links: