“Music business… Since the Academy days I’ve been thinking about this question. I think that the transition from a hobby into profession is nothing but obvious and it took me a while to understand that I don’t want to work as a composer but as a teacher (for now). I ask myself “what I’m good at? What the world needs?” and leave “what I love to do?” for my free time and I try to have a lot of it.” – @_MATiTYAHU_
Listen to the Live Interview
Episode #330 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/06/08/episode-330-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Music business…
Since the Academy days I’ve been thinking about this question. I think that the transition from a hobby into profession is nothing but obvious and it took me a while to understand that I don’t want to work as a composer but as a teacher (for now). I ask myself “what I’m good at? What the world needs?” and leave “what I love to do?” for my free time and I try to have a lot of it.
Social media…
is like real life but exaggerated. Most of my compositions don’t go out from my circles of friends – not in SM or real life. I liked it that way. With this album I try to touch audience that doesn’t know me and I find that SM just gives the illusion that it’s easy.
Singles vs an album…
My current strategy is to create as many “events” that I can. I have a whole EP ready, branding videos, music covers video, a full animated musical video but, I won’t release it all at the same time. I will try to create a buzz after every song release or video release. Bloggers love “new stuff”.
My life is a struggle between…
my inner world and the need of communication with others, with words or with music, non can exist without the other. I think that we can’t grasp a complex image so branding is necessary although the question is when in the process the branding starts. For this album I started to think about it before the final mix – Who is my audience? What he likes? How he likes it? The whole creation was free of these kinds of thoughts. I don’t know if it is the best way to do that, I don’t know if I’ll ever do it again exactly like that. I can say that I’m working on a new project and from the first note I’m taking in consideration the audience.
I am most afraid of…
To spend to much time on what I need without thinking if I really need it.
My personal definition of success is..
Success for me means to appreciate what I have, having fantasies but not expectations. I once took the train to the south of France. I start to talk with the people in the wagon and apparently one was an actress. So I took my keyboard and we did a little concert. People from other wagons and even the train driver came to hear us. The success is the communication I made with her and with the others around.
My over all goal for my life & career is…
Not having over all goals, not having titles, doing small steps and adapting to the changes in me and around me.
3 Ways that I challenge myself…
1) Booking concerts before I know what I’ll do there.
2) Saying first “yes” and than thinking.
3) Listening to other people ideas and comments.
All of this suppose to help me get out from my comfort zone, out of my dogmas and my beliefs.
I compose music for about 20 years…
I passed many different genres and compositions methods and few years ago I decided that I want to make people happy, a little escapism. After years of metal and contemporary classical music where I tried to find my own voice I decided that I’m not sure I want to have one.
is the first single from the EP “More than your silence”. For years I’ve been listening to this violin concerto (in D major), thinking that Tchaikovsky wrote one of the best build ups in the history of music, if he only had a bass to drop. The original composition is full of ideas and the process of choosing which will be in my version was very long and interesting. Here is me speaking on the creation of the song.
The album is…
a mix of a huge knowledge and experience in music but nothing what so ever in this genre (electro/EDM). The result is something that you have probably never heard but you won’t necessary like. Like all my compositions, in all the genres I explored, I try to create something that even in the 10th time you hear it, you discover new elements and experience the music differently.
For the last 5 years I have lived in Paris…
It won’t exaggerate if I’ll say that Paris has probably one of the biggest music and cultural scene in the western world. One of the things I did when I came here was to learn all the French classics so now every time I find myself in a room with a piano and French people, I get them all singing very fast. Last summer I played the piano in a theater show during Avignon Festival and before the comedians got to the stage I took the mic and made 300 people sing France Gal.
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with…
Stan Lee or others big film producers. I want to know, technically, how they make it so real.