“I’ve been around music my whole life, so its just something I have grown to love & have a passion for.” – @NSHC13
Listen to the Interview: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2015/10/15/episode-265-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
GETTING TO KNOW : Jamal Anderson-Rhoden a.k.a. Philthy Money & Lloyd J. Rhoden a.k.a Trey Eighty
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Band: DEPZ
The Music business…
It’s tricky but well worth the effort! A “pro” would be, you work hard and you will get paid and a “con” would be, as “Prince” once said, “don’t sign with a major label”, you won’t get paid and we want to control as much of the revenue from our music as possible!
I am overcoming the hurdles and pitfalls One day at a time!
Social media…
I like ‘social media’ because it seems that (everyone) is using it in one way or another!
I’m still overcoming a few of the challenges, i.e. it’s very time consuming being on social media and connecting with your fans and potential/future fans!
Singles vs an album…
Mixed feelings… would prefer to release an album over singles! Less work and releasing an album gives our fans an option of what songs they like on the album therefore have a choice of buying an album of single(s)!
The Start…
” Philthy Money “: I’ve been around music my whole life, so its just something I have grown to love & have a passion for. I refuse to become anything but the best, so I will put in the work I need to, so I can make my dreams come true!
The song is about chilling after a hard day’s work! Kick’n it with your crew; whether they be male or female! (This song should/could be for everyone)
You can expect to enjoy the sound…
i.e. beats and the lyrics as you enjoy good company and maybe a cocktail or a glass of wine. It’s something you can ride to!
As far as ‘marketing’…
we plan to use the service’s of such sites/companies as A.V.A. Live Radio as well as others, including internet/podcast radio as well as FM stations and of course through social media!
Minneapolis, MN…
Home of Prince! Of course, there’s the MN sound and plenty of talent in the state!
A few of the places to go would be, The Minnesota Music Cafe, Gallaghers Bar, Schooner Rooming House and Arnellia’s; “The Legendary Club Apollo” of Minnesota! I love to watch sports, especially, my Dallas Cowboy’s…Go Cowboy’s!
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with….
Chuck D from Public Enemy because he ‘spits’ real lyrics!
I love his music influence and his intelligence in the music industry!
Music Trends…
Yes, I do feel there is to much emphasis on being current and trendy as each artist should not sound like the next…each artist should have their own sound and style!
I am most afraid of…
Not being able to provide for me and my family!
My personal definition of success is..
Being recognized and acknowledged for our accomplishments! Being apart of something my son; Philthy Money loves doing as it’s both of our passion! Achieved my/our goal by us working together!
My over all goal for my life & career is…
for Versitale Records to be considered one of the top record labels for indie and major artist so that I can properly provide for me and my family!
Way(s) that I challenge myself and how each one moves me forward towards my goal.
One challenge is getting up in the morning and preparing myself to do whatever tasks are at hand for that day in order to move forward!