Interview by Jacqueline Jax
host of A.V.A Live Radio
Band Name: DizzynDeaf (aka Ron Zaragoza)
I have Meniere’s Disease now so the chances that I may loose my hearing is fairly high as I’ve started to experience some hearing loss but it has made me focus on what’s most important now more than ever before. I won’t stop playing music until I can’t do it anymore. That’s one thing that this experience is bringing me. The other is a new awareness that we are human and not invincible. As we go though life, it’s really important to acknowledge that fact.
I have no choice at this point but to be honest and authentic while I have this chance to create music. I want to make music that is well written and powerful. Perhaps it’s because I feel a little powerless from Meniere’s and that daily reminder hovers over my head. But I’m fueling my direction with it. Music is life. Music saves people. Music gives me a place to get away from the daily mind grind. As long as it comforts me, I will keep challenging myself to improve and develop.
Having this Disease is just a reminder for me to stay the coarse and even though I don’t know what the future brings, at least I know that I brought 150% of my energy to this journey and for that I can have no regrets.
I’m pairing up with Terry, a friend of mine who is a film creator. We’ve already made one short film below and plan to have a follow up release out for you very soon. For some people, this all may seem a bit chaotic but for me it’s Art and a way to feel great about myself. Working on these projects brings me satisfaction and peace.
That’s what I need most and why I driven to create.
In a way, what’s happening is a blessing because I realized that I wasn’t living my fullest life. It has opened my eyes and I think that the alternative of letting my life go by without having done this would be something far worse that what I face now.
I hope you’ll come along with me for this ride…
More videos are coming..
Terry Hall (my videographer)
Mike Dow (my audio engineer)
Define Success…
Depends on the goal. For me, creating music and being able to share it with someone who really connects with it… that is something I would consider a success.
When it comes to music what’s the best advise you have ever received..
Get out of your head and play what you feel. Don’t force things. Be honest and real. Have fun. Work hard. Do your best.
What do you wish you had known then that you know now..
Music business….
As I’ve been around long time in the industry, I like that so many new musicians are coming out but the down side is that the streaming services have crushed the old business model. I will find my road eventually but the focus is on building the dream first. That’s the master plan.
Best Advise..
Get out of your head and play what you feel. Don’t force things. Be honest and real. Have fun. Work hard. Do your best. It’s extremely difficult to put aside your fear of failure or even fearing that point upon release. where people get to pass judgement on your work. The focus should be on the art and the therapy is gives me as a creator. The satisfaction in bringing to life something that I care a great deal about. That gets me though.
I live in…
The United States, in Antioch, California. The music scene is pretty cool in Oakland, San Francisco, Sacramento and Los Angeles.
Song name: Demon Talk
Music Genre:: Metal – Hard Rock
Negative or distorted thoughts that randomly fly through our heads. Some people call is negative self talk. Others call it internal messaging. I call it DEMON TALK.
Link to play::
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