I’m just starting out in the music business
so I don’t know much about it at all! I just hope I will be able to get my music out there to people who’ll enjoy it @JamesBakian
Live interview
Episode #362 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/09/20/episode-362-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
I’m just starting out in the music business
so I don’t know much about it at all! I just hope I will be able to get my music out there to people who’ll enjoy it!
I haven’t really experienced any cons yet-
I just love what I’m doing, writing and singing my songs!
I’m happy with the 4 songs I’ve recorded.
I’d love to record them with a few more instruments as soon as possible. There are other songs I’ve written which are ready to record and a few I’m still working on. As soon as I have enough material I’m really happy with, I’d love to release an album! I’m quite impatient so I’d like to release an album so that people can hear quite a few of my songs all at once!
Most kids I know are on social media!
I’ve been on instagram for a while but I’ve just made a facebook page and a twitter account for my music. I think twitter is really useful to promote music. I’m not sure how useful facebook is yet…
To be honest I just write the music that I like.
I think that it’s current because it’s inspired by what I’m listening to on the radio and watching on TV at the moment. I don’t really worry about what’s current or trendy, I just write from my heart!
I have a close family and they are really supportive!
I’ve been taught to keep trying and not give up, to be thankful for the talents I’ve been given and to work hard to develop them and to believe in myself and persevere!
I’ve been brought up with a strong sense of what’s right and wrong.
I want to be a person who influences others positively rather than letting them influence me negatively! I want to be a good role model to my friends and I want my family to be proud of me. I don’t want to be manipulated by peer pressure. I remind myself that I don’t have to do things I’m not comfortable with just to please others or be popular. I have a great group of friends who are really supportive and that also helps me to be comfortable with who I am and stay true to myself.
I’d love to spend 5 minutes alone with Justin Bieber.
I think he’s a great singer. He’s been in the music business from a young age and he has loads of experience of what it’s like to be famous as a teenager. I’d ask him for his advice and about what he thinks he’s done well and what he’d do differently.
I’m James Bakian and I’m 12 years old. I live in London, UK.
I’ve always loved singing and performing. I wrote my first song “Oh Baby” aged 6 years old inspired by Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” movie and performed it with my brother doing backing vocals. Here’s a link to a video my dad filmed of me performing my first song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-66afdNujV8. Shortly after this, I began having piano lessons and soon progressed to be able to improvise and play my own music. Then last year I started writing songs, which I sang and played myself on the keyboard. I have written a lot of songs and once I have an idea for a song, I lay down the melody and the lyrics flow very quickly. I love listening to most pop music and my main musical influences have been Adam Levine and Maroon 5 but I also like Charlie Puth, Drake, Rhianna, Sam Smith, Sia, Selena Gomez, Ed Sheeran, Adele and of course, Justin Bieber!!
In May of this year, I performed in a talent show at my school playing the piano and singing one of my own songs and I won first place, beating children much older than me! That led to me persuading my parents to let me record a demo of four of my songs. Since then I’ve joined twitter, made a facebook page, got onto Reverbnation (where I’m currently ranked 11 in the London Charts), been making YouTube music videos for my songs and am in the process of setting up my website. I have a passion for music and songwriting and can’t wait to see how far my talent will take me!!
“You’re Gone”
Even though I’m only 12, I generally write songs about being in love or breaking up with someone!
This isn’t from personal experience (although I’ve had quite a few crushes on girls) because I’m so young, but I guess films, TV, music videos and the music I listen to have influenced me. I wrote “You’re Gone” about a guy whose girlfriend has left him and the conflicting emotions of sadness mixed with anger he’s feeling about the break-up. The guy is living in the past dreaming of when he was still together with his girlfriend and how the break-up has left him confused, lonely, fearful but also angry that she’s left him and convinced that she must also be scarred by the split. The guy is struggling to process the reality that she’s gone and the permanence of it all.
After I won the talent show at my school,
I persuaded my parents to let me spend the money I’d been saving up to record a demo of 4 of my songs. “You’re Gone” is one of the four. My piano teacher arranged for me to go to a small recording studio just outside London where we recorded the 4 tracks with me on vocals and my piano teacher played the piano. It was a great experience and I can’t wait to do it again- I’m already saving up my money to record more of my songs!
I just love writing and singing songs.
I really imagine myself in the situation that I’m singing about whether it’s about a break-up (You’re Gone and You Did) or being in love with a girl who doesn’t even know I love her (There She Is) or promising to always be there for the girl I love (By Your Side). I hope the strength of my emotions comes through in my songs and that the listener can also feel what I’m feeling! Some of my songs have even made my mum cry!!
I live in London. London has a thriving music scene!
We’re the home of the famous Abbey Road Studios where the Beatles recorded and where I’d really love to record music one day!! We’ve got great large and small concert venues. I’ve watched Britney Spears in the O2 Centre. There’s Wembley Stadium where the famous Summertime Ball is held each year. In the summer there are concerts in Hyde Park, music festivals and concerts all year round in smaller venues like Brixton Academy and Camden Roundhouse. I’m really blessed to live in a city where musically there’s something for everyone and all music genres!
Social media links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jamesbakian
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesBakian
Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/jamesbakian
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC983kxOHww1LgNJZh5hpzpA/videos
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/jamesbakian
Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/jamesbakian
Indiesound: http://www.indiesound.com/index.php?a=profile&u=jamesbakian