“We don’t make music because we want to or because it’s cool, we play because we have to, there is no option, it’s who we are. ” – @lanechangerocks
Episode #277 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Music business…
We don’t necessarily have a particular feeling about it being good or bad. It just is. I had a musician friend once tell me, we don’t make music because we want to or because it’s cool, we play because we have to, there is no option, it’s who we are. That’s how it is, and that’s how it is with the business side of things. Playing, writing songs, recording; that’s the given, and we have to find out how to make a living at it. This music business is the one we know, it may be better now or worse, but it’s what we have and we’re grateful to be making art on our terms.
Pros and cons…
Being able to connect with fans instantly is amazing. We’re able to build lasting relationships with people all over the country, even the world, it’s awesome. Having to fund our record could have been a con, but for us it worked out. Our fans supported us on Kickstarter, which is such an honor, and through our gigs we were able to put money toward the recording. We know we’d have a week in the studio, so it forced us to spend time in pre-production really making decisions about the songs and our arrangements. We had to be ready for the studio.
Social media…
It brings us together with fans and other musicians. It enables us to stay connected to groups we love, and fans we’ve met from all over. Twitter is a new one for us. No one in the group has an active personal twitter, so it’s something we’re all learning together. It’s an experiment.
Singles vs an album…
We wanted to put out a full length album, because of the diversity of the group. There is no one song that sums up LANE CHANGE. We had a hard enough time picking these 11 for the album. We’ll let the fans pick their favorite. We feel the music industry now is all about performance sales and merchandise, the music is to get people in the door, so we wanted to give our fans every reason to come out and see us.
LANE CHANGE started…
out as a cover band. Cameron, our drummer, started a group with the goal to simply get out play in front of people. As we started gigging more, writing original material and gaining fans, the band evolved into what is now LANE CHANGE.
The Rich Get Richer is basically our commentary on society’s expectations of us to always have the biggest, brightest, and best items in our life at any cost.
The song is about our frustrations with society’s expectations of us, or at least what we perceive societies expectations to be. As a group we want something different than what we see as the traditional life plan; but we still feel pulled, as I think we all do to some degree, toward what we see as “normal”. There is often a since of consensus around a lot of things we feel we “should” do, things we “know” are “right”. This is a song about being free of those ideas that we might not agree with on an intellectual level, ideas that are not our own, but we still have a visceral pull. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-rich-get-richer/id1046683448?i=1046683458
We’re a power trio…
Guitar. Bass. Drums. That said, we have two incredible vocalists, male and female, so we do a lot of harmonies, strong melodic hooks, and dual vocals. We’re a diverse group in age, sex, race, and life experiences in general. The album is common ground. These songs are about music, frustrated love, and our place in the world. Things we all relate to, and probably in some way most people can too. In one word we wanted the album to be honest, not only in the songwriting, but also how it was made. We recorded in one week with minimal takes, overdubs, and studio tricks. We wanted to capture the energy we bring to a live performance with the polish and focus the studio demands.
We’re based in Phoenix, AZ…
The bar scene here is really cool. We started as a cover band, and there is always a place to play. Four hour shows are typical, which is great for getting your stage chops together as a group. We’ve also been fortunate to have huge support from a few key venues who get what LANE CHANGE is all about.
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with…
It’s impossible for me to pick one person on behalf of the band, we all have such diverse taste and influences. Each of us would have a difficult time picking one person on our own.
Current and trendy…
I don’t know that we’ve felt that. We are always serving the song, always asking: Is this what the song needs? It’s not about being current or trendy or right, it’s about being true to the music. We’re lucky in Arizona. We play the music we love, and people seem to enjoy it. We’ve been embraced here, and hopefully that trend will continue as we grow.
I am most afraid of…
I am confident that the collective answer among the band would be would be afraid of letting one another down. We have established a band, a brand, and a family and each of us is proud of our role in the group.
My personal definition of success is..
Name one success story that you are particularly proud of. Explain why you considered this a great success and how you achieved it. For us, success is seeing an audience have a great night. When you’re playing for an audience that is having a blast, that’s success.
My overall goal for my life & career is…
We play, write, and record music. We don’t know where it will take us, but we’re here for the ride.
3 Ways that I challenge myself…
1) We’re always watching “game tapes” and trying to tighten up the show. How can we improve flow and transitions? How should we structure the set? We look for what’s keeping the audience engaged and what could be better.
2) We’re always writing. I’ll get a texts every from a band member with and idea, a lyric sketch, a voice memo of a melody or drum groove. It keeps us fresh and excited about making music together.
3) We’re always trying to learn to be better friends and bandmates. It’s not just about being on time to rehearsal or knowing your parts, we’re friends too. We have a busy schedule with performances, rehearsals, families, some of us teach, or go to school, but we still make time for “band nights”, we cook dinner together (or one of us does), and we play games or watch movies. It’s important for us to stay grounded, and see each other as individuals, not just as co-workers.
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