I think that the Music Business is really tough.
You really have to have a passion for it to really want to go forward with it. I love it for how it can affect many lives. However, it is an industry where you can be taken advantage of. You really need to do your research on anyone and everyone when they contact you about your music @natnat7
Live Interview
Episode #370 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/10/05/episode-370-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Natalie Jean
I think that the Music Business is really tough.
You really have to have a passion for it to really want to go forward with it. I love it for how it can affect many lives. However, it is an industry where you can be taken advantage of. You really need to do your research on anyone and everyone when they contact you about your music.
Pros – I have been nominated over 50 times for my music.
I have won several awards. Most recently, I won Best Musical Collaboration with Trevor Sewell and World Vocalist of the Year in the 2016 Josie Music Awards. I also won a Bronze Medal in the Global Music Awards for my song “Red Room.” Attending all of the Independent Music Awards events has allowed me to meet great artists and it has afforded me the opportunity for great collaborations. I have some great promotions through people that I have met through these awards shows. One of which I will be writing three columns for. Cons – the amount of money you need to invest, amount of work it takes, people trying to scam you. I have several people wanting me to sign with them, and they want to take all my rights away from me. I have been scammed out of money. I have learned from those things.
I learn from every mistake that I make through this process.
I try not to repeat them. I continuously try to learn from others as well. I ask the right questions and I believe in myself. I have self-love.
If I had 5 minutes alone with someone, it would have to be with Celine Dion.
She is one of my favorite singers. She sings with such emotion. I love the story about her journey and what motivated her to pursue her career in music. I think that I could learn a lot from her. She is the reason that I did a French album last year.
Growing up, my father used to sing around the house a lot.
He is a famous Haitian singer, Guy R. Jean. I also grew up listening to Elvis Presley. I loved a lot of Jazz as well. I used to imitate Lena Horne a lot. But it was not until 2011, at the suggestion of a friend, that I decided to give it a try. I didn’t know where it would take me. I am inspired by the way music makes me feel and the way it makes others feel. If you look at a room full of people, while listening to music – this is the one place that everyone seems to get along. They don’t care about the outside world, they don’t care about what others think.
Red Room
Red Room is about seeing someone you were once involved
with after a long period of time. The other person acts as if everything is fine, when it is not. So, the person has the audacity to even say “Hello.” This song is a true story. A former boyfriend (whom I have not dated for at least 12 years) and I reconnected on Facebook a couple of years ago. We became friends again and hung out a couple of times. But he has a tendency to disappear. So, I saw him last December and did not hear from him for six months. We share the same producer. I introduced him to my producer. At the time, I was working on my new album, and I was trying to figure out what to write next. One day, my former flame was at the studio, before my own session. He started to say “Hello.” I completely ignored him. He asked me if I was angry. I was annoyed, but did not respond. So, after this incident, I decided to write the song “Red Room.” I thought about the movie the shinning. I also teach a spin class in a bright red cycling room, so that is where the title came from.
Link to purchase song: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/red-room/id1123564718?i=1123565959
My new Pop album “Unafraid,” is an extremely important album to me.
It talks about my experiences as a woman in relationships and the different emotions that come out of that. Being betrayed and lied too; realizing you were not into that person, but liked what they had to say; the same old lines being used and nothing coming out of it; wondering when I will meet the right person; tired of dealing with crap, etc… I wanted to do something different. I felt that people needed songs that gave them an outlet to vent and to have self-love. An album, where you don’t have to deal with someone else’s crap.
I live in Kensington, MD.
I usually perform in the Washington DC and MD area. There is a huge Blues and Jazz scene. However, you can find venues that support many genres. I would say that we have a very lively scene. Some of the venues would include BistrotLepic, Mr. Henry’s, Blues Alley, The Hamilton, Bethesda Jazz Blues and Jazz Supper Club, Gypsy Sally’s, etc.
Social Media Links:
Website: www.natalie-jean.com
Website: http://www.natzzblues.com
Reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/nataliejean
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NatalieJeanObsession
Twitter: https://twitter.com/natnat7
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/natalie-jean/73/5a6/31/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/natnat7-1
Jango: http://www.jango.com/music/Natalie+Jean?l=0
GooglePlus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NatalieJean/posts
Myspace: https://new.myspace.com/nataliejeanobsession
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0OWPkVPyjUBmp6EKYZuFQ/videos