These days in the music industry everyone has a conscripted idea of what music should be,
the only difficulty I’ve had so far is not offending anyone while I stay true to what I want my sound to be. I was brought up with the Blues, and people want you to stay true to the Blues but although I love and respect that I want to have my own sound too@Jaxx_Tunes
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Episode #376 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax :
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Jaxx Nassar
These days in the music industry everyone has a conscripted idea of what music should be,
the only difficulty I’ve had so far is not offending anyone while I stay true to what I want my sound to be. I was brought up with the Blues, and people want you to stay true to the Blues but although I love and respect that I want to have my own sound too. Now, I’ve met some of the most amazing and talented people. Just getting to collaborate with other wonderful musicians and throwing ideas around is something beyond my wildest dreams.
I guess this sounds cliché but I turn my struggles into triumphs through my music.
Every moment of pain and uncertainty I’m faced with lends itself to a different song. My music especially is nothing without the emotion behind it. I think there’s something so beautiful about a singers’ voice cracking with emotion at the top of a note. That sort of feeling resonates with an audience and for me that is truly the ultimate triumph, reaching people. If I can turn my own emotions into something that evokes emotion, I know I’m doing something right. I don’t. . I try to let my struggles humble me being humble to me means so much, it’s a virtue! I overcome things, and sometimes that’s admitting to failure. Perfection is only a fantasy, in the mind of each person. I strive for peace, and love. Being happy, and the ones around me happy. Enjoy the time you’re given. Accept things you can’t change. You’ll change what you can, when it’s time to. I guess to answer this question, realizing there is no such thing as perfect is helping me grow into someone I can live with. Accepting, observing, and letting that bleed into what I do, is how I do it.
Lady Gaga, she is absolutely amazing!
To know what she stands for, and that is acceptance, love, and peace, it touches my heart! She expresses herself in such a special way. It could have totally turned 180 when she started her own career as, “Lady Gaga” but she didn’t care, she was out there, and she spoke about her journey, visualized it in a way where it made you really think. She has started the Born This Way Foundation, and it’s about Emotional Intelligence. We all feel… and it’s okay to feel. I really thank her and I would have one of the most meaningful conversations ever. She’s honestly a true inspiration.
Growing up in Clarksdale Mississipi I feel like I was born into music.
Clarksdale is the home of the blues and soul. As early as I can remember my life was inundated by rhythm and music. Walking the same streets as Robert Johnson. It’s almost as if music was in my blood from the get go. My brother started learning guitar, and I always followed his lead. Being his little sister and all, I thought he was the best ever. Still do. I was around 7 years old when I first began picking on the acoustic guitar. Drums was the first instrument I learned to play in all honesty. I started guitar lessons at the Delta Blues Museum while still being in the intermediate class on drums. I was told I couldn’t learn more than 1 instrument at a time. My guitar teacher ignored that and let me do my thing. I took up Bass shortly after guitar
Beautiful to Me
It was recorded with Timothy Bloom in Los Angeles
It’s me playing the Guitar and bass and on vocals and Tim did an awesome mix! The song is about finding beauty in another person.
I think what’s important I guess is self-expression
and not holding back emotions and letting the raw feelings come out instead of keeping them in. The music will to people across the board because of that….it’s ok to feel!
The main venues are Ground Zero Morgan Freemans famous Club…
Reds, Shack Upp Inn, Hopson Commissary … Local figures Razor Blade Super Chikan, R.L. Burnside, Walt Busby, Lee Williams, LaLa Craig, Clarksdale is the home of the Blues!………Growing up it was amazing to see people on stage belting their hearts out, and feel that type of energy and creativity with such raw emotion. Before I could write I knew and understood what it was to sing my heart out. I feel like I almost found my own secret language in the intensity of emotion in a melody.
I think I could take up the entire interview
if I gave you my full opinion on this question. It’s absolutely amazing how the Music Business has changed over time. I remember having a CD collection as a child. Britney, Goo Goo Dolls, etc… Now the only CD’s I see are sun burned inside the trunk of my car. We now can honestly say that everything we listen to, and everything we watch is zapping across the universe. We have so much information at our fingertips now. It’s extraordinary, actually. I suppose it’s not just the Music Business, but the internet in general has changed everything in such a way, that I, myself can’t even look back and remember a moment without it. It’s a crazy world. I love watching it grow, and change. It’s about keeping up with all the changes going on. I would love to see more focus on the talent behind the image potrayed in this new era of the Music Business.
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