“I have a strong support system that pushes me to keep going, but it’s actually more fun than ‘pitfalls and hurdles’. If it stops being fun, than I need to move on! ” – @JMcDonalddMusic
Listen to the show:
Episode #316 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/04/20/episode-316-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Music business…
I am cautious about the music business. There are lots of great people out there, but there are lots of sketchy people out there also.
I have gotten a lot of opportunities that were absolutely amazing but also have had some experiences with people that have promised me everything and I’ve gotten nothing!
Hurdles and pitfalls…
I have a strong support system that pushes me to keep going, but it’s actually more fun than ‘pitfalls and hurdles’. If it stops being fun, than I need to move on!
What do you like about social media…
I have a decent following through social media on my Reverbnation, Facebook, and Instagram accounts, especially since I just really started this solo journey in 10/15. I think what I like the most, especially on Reverbnation, is meeting people from all over the world! It’s so amazing to think you can collaborate with someone who lives in the UK or Australia.
This is going to sound humorous, I’m sure, but for a long time, I thought my following on social media would think I was egotistical because all I posted was stuff about my music. It took me awhile to realize that they may really want to know what was new in my music life!
Singles vs an album…
Singles are great right now because you have a better chance for people that don’t know you to listen to or buy 1 song vs. an album. It’s not as much of a commitment towards an artist that they are not familiar with! One thing I am releasing is that if you don’t continue to put stuff out there, the fans you do have will move on! It needs to be a constant presence. Fans want to be a part of your musical life. When you release an album or EP, it’s one time, one thing. Singles give you longer exposure in the limelight, if you’re lucky enough for find the limelight, that is.
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with…
My Dad. He died when I was 7 and I was actually only 2 years old when he got sick, so that’s all I remember! I admire him for serving our country. He died of a service connected disability. I think it would be cool to catch up with him. He’s been going for a while now…
Music Influences…
I love Pink for her amazing stage shows and 21 pilots because they push me to think outside the box on my song writing.
I don’t really focus on what’s current and trendy…
I focus on what I like and want to share and just hope for the best!
I am most afraid of…
Small performances. Give me 5000 people to perform in front of and I am a happy girl! 2-10 people and my knees and voice shake uncontrollably!
My personal definition of success is HAPPINESS!
When I started to have musicians play for me instead of me playing guitar, it completely changed my opinion about performing. For a long while, my nerves were getting the best of me but once all I had to concentrate on was singing, I began to relax and perform so much better!
My overall goal for my life & career is…
To love what I am doing always..
3 Ways that I challenge myself…
1) I make myself perform in front of smaller audiences so that I can desensitize myself to that fear! With each small show, it gets a little easier to go which will help me if I ever get a closed door audition.
2) I challenge myself to eat vegan, as much as possible☺. I know its best for my body and the environment. When I am eating clean, my motivation increases, my creativity increases and I just feel better overall.
3) I challenge myself to be positive about everything because what you think you become. You need this to manifest good things in your life!
I have playing live since the 4th grade…
Before that, I was not a very social person and was painfully shy. Music kind of broke me out of my shell and I’ve been playing ever since.
is about an older boy who I really wanted to like me, and he just didn’t. He was in college while I was still in high school, which is never a good idea. He was drinking one night and slept with another girl and called me by accident that night, calling me her name. I was so upset! But being young and dumb, I forgave and forgot and ended up hooking up (for the first time), with him. The song was recorded so long after this happened that there was little emotion left to it.
Creating the cd cover was incredibly fun! The cover was shot in St. Petersburg, FL by a highly creative photographer. He actually had me lying in about a foot of water at the edge of Tampa Bay in a vintage nightgown holding a beautiful veil above my head, which his assistant pulled against the current of the water. He stood on an old pier above me shooting pictures. Afterwards, they both told me that I had about 30 hermit crabs walking all around me. Good thing I didn’t know in the moment…
You can expect my music to…
always be changing, but one thing that won’t change is the sincerity in the messages. I will always be painfully honest. I just want people to know that they are not alone in life- that we all experience insecurities and, deep down, have the same emotions. Every song is very different and is truly like a musical diary that I’m hoping will relate to all people on some level.
I live in Orlando, Florida…
and the music scene is very competitive. It’s also a lot about who you know, but I’m assuming that it’s like that everywhere.. Fun is the beach! I surf (not very well, but I do it anyway). I also love to do open mics around Otown.
Social Media:
Announcement: http://avaliveradio.tumblr.com/post/142709028487/gravity-julia-mcdonald