“There’s nothing that is more effective for improving the quality of your product or service than listening to your customers. But often businesses don’t solicit their customers’ opinions. Sometimes the problem is that business owners or managers don’t know how to go about setting up a process, or think that obtaining customer comments will be too expensive or complex. But sometimes the barrier to instituting a plan for listening to the customer is simply the fear of what they will hear. “..
How To Really Listen To Your Customers https://www.fastcompany.com/3028810/how-to-listen-really-listen-to-your-customers
“Nurturing relationships with your customers is a crucial part of growing a successful business. In this age of automation and innovation, caring for your customers has never been more important. At any moment, an unhappy customer can share their opinion with the masses through social media and the web and negatively affect your business. That’s why it’s even more important than ever to create an excellent experience for your customers to help develop your company’s relationship with them into love. Walt Disney said it best, “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” Creating love between your company and your customers can help scale positive word of mouth that’s absolutely priceless.”…
10 Ways to Make Customers Fall in Love with Your Business http://blog.kissmetrics.com/true-love-with-customers/
“You probably remember Maslow’s hierarchy of needs from school — that model demonstrating our most basic needs (food, security, warmth, rest) at the bottom of the pyramid. The higher up the pyramid, the more complex our needs. And without the fulfillment of our physiological and safety needs, we’re unable to achieve love, belonging, esteem or self-actualization, at the top of the pyramid.”…
“30 Ways to Align Your Business Strategy With Customer Needs” by @larrykim
“The Law of Early Diffusion is simply a theory of how fast new technologies and ideas take hold. Originally conceived in the 1960s, this premise has been tweaked, stretched, pulled, and updated even to this day.”…
“Here’s Why You Should Stop Trying to Go Viral” by @ToddBrison https://medium.com/@ToddBrison/heres-why-you-should-stop-trying-to-go-viral-d7a9b6f1bfdc