“I plan to rescue the music business from impending doom. These days, it’s drowning in mediocrity, creatively speaking.”-@mackinents
Listen to the interview at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2015/10/01/episode-261-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
It all began when…
I visited Electric Ladyland studios..
I love the music business…
that’s why I plan to rescue it from impending doom. These days, it’s drowning in mediocrity, creatively speaking. There are non-musical people who are ripping off musicians just to make a quick buck.. The whole music business is totally dependent on social media, not song quality. It doesn’t matter if you’re talented. Everything depends on your social media, it’s becoming quite frustrating for those radio stations who are all about the music. Music has become secondary and based on social media likes.
In order to overcome the hurdles and pitfalls…
I do my thing. I reach out to those who are tired with the status quo and want to return to Real music. Secondly, I am educating young people as to what real music should sound like. They don’t know what’s good or bad, they only know what a band puts on social media and if the artist is good looking or not. These days, looks is what sells music.
Social media is…
a good marketing tool, an excellent avenue to market one’s product, although it’s easily abused because one can easily purchase ‘likes’ and get attention without being creatively talented.
I had encountered many challenges along the way…
I’ve had to overcome jealousy, corruption and the ignorance of those who don’t know what real music is. One DJ asked me why should he play my music and make me rich. I can’t print my response..
My overall personal and professional goal is…
to make this business of music back to life and to make it real. Classic radio stations are popular because creativity has declined to the extent that some internet stations charge you fees just to submit music.
“Gunslinger Vol. 1” is…
quite frankly about a man who loves women, and women love him. It was written over an extended period of time, I had to get it right.. Actually, we had a party during the recording session..
You can expect a few things from me…
Technically, I’m marketing my music primarily online. This song is special because it attracts listeners because of the lyrics and the music.
I live in Kentucky…
and I am THE music scene..
Recording is my life…
I love to record, it seems that I was born in a recording studio and I will surely die there…
I love releasing singles over albums…
because I am one who loves a challenge.
My music is Real Music by Real Musicians…
Unlike many of today’s artists, my music speaks for itself. All you need to do is listen. I don’t use electronic tricks since all my musicians can play well. All my singers CAN sing and we don’t use pitch altering microphones.
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with…
Taylor Swift, Jimi Hendrix and all those I admire who have passed away.
I am most afraid of…
nothing. I lived in Chicago for a lot of years and I fear nothing…
My success story is…
the fact that I have survived this thing called life so far
Being current and trendy…
lasts about fifteen minutes, being real lasts a lifetime. Real talent cannot be denied, all my artistic decisions are based on talent. When you have situations where one can make millions simply by yelling obscenities backed by a beat verifies the fact that change is needed to make music an art form again. When you have ‘rock stars’ who can’t play a guitar solo, it’s time for change.
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