I’m embracing the importance of producing more video to stay on point with the future of marketing. I have some great plans for the future creating short films and productions for my Youtube channel.
Episode #533: A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax
Band Name: Nat Berhanu – Planet Trance V
Balancing life and music is..
Not Easy. It Is Tiresome. It Is A Great Thing To Be Creative. But Sometimes It Comes Like A Flood & Managing It Is Something That I Haven’t Got Used To Yet.
I’m embracing the importance of producing more video to stay on point with the future of marketing. I have some great plans for the future creating short films and productions for my Youtube channel.
What piece of music advice forever changed your way of thinking
Never Lose The Power To Create. Not Just In Music But In Everything. I listen to music to get inspired. I’m always creating something from music to media pieces to enhance my marketing. Soon I’ll be creating video. I’m looking forward to that journey.
Social media..
You must focus your social media efforts in the space where you get the most traction. It’s important to have a presence but right now I get about 400 hits a day just through Pinterest and SEO search. This is why I focus all of my efforts in fewer spaces. You must work smart so that you can have time to make new music. It’s important to look at what’s working and go full force into doing more of those things before switching. You wouldn’t think of pinterest as a great source but it’s been working really well for me in driving traffic to my website.
Song name: Planet Trance V
Music Genre:: Trance
This song is about…
We Are The Future Therefore The Future Is Ours.
Link to play:
My music is…
Eclectic, Refreshing, New Sound & Always Looking To Improve Sound, Melody and Production.
How do you think this release represents your current direction..
Think Global. Think Beyond Where I Am. Live Now But The Future Is Also Now. Seeing Where I Want To Be & Getting, Got There. It’s About The Blindest Faith You Can Find In Anyone.
Where do you create your music..
Since 2016 I Have Been Making Music Daily. Just Like When I Recorded On Piano or Keyboard. First Up The Instrument Then Connecting To What I Am Playing, If I Feel It, If It Makes Me Feel Alive, I Go With. Same With The App I Have Been Using. (Magix) I Have Been Doing The Recording, Producing and Everything Else.
Website & social media links: