“The only thing that stands between you and your goal is yourself, just take a chance and really push yourself to make it and don’t sit back and wait. You either go big or there is no use in doing anything at all.” @velvetinsane
Listen to the interview: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2015/08/06/86-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
How do I challenge myself..
I like to look forward try to take big chances and just try to do somethings that haven’t been done before. The only thing that stands between you and your goal is yourself, just take a chance and really push yourself to make it and don’t sit back and wait. You either go big or there is no use in doing anything at all. That is what I think to challenge myself. Even if I do something big, I wasn’t the next thing I do to be even bigger.
I am afraid of…
the dark and heights. Many people ask me if I am afraid of failing. But I am not, because I won’t fail, I know I will succeed.
My definition of success is…
when you are happy. It doesn’t matter if you are rich, or if you have sold out shows worldwide. What I call success, is doing the thing you like and being happy about it. But of course all the other things I mentioned, can help you on the way.
All and all I think the music business is tough…
There are many nonprofessionals and complete jerks. I think there is time for a change in the music business. Like I said earlier, I like to do stuff myself and with help from people close to me that I can trust, like my good friend André. So that´s what this band is all about as well, to show people that we can make it on our own. All these difficulties that we have had to overcome has only made us stronger, we learn new things every day and improve not only musically, but professionally as well in the music business.
Social Media…
Personally I don’t like social media, but I know that it is important to get the band out there since it’s an important tool nowadays. I have a good friend named André who has helped me a lot with it and he’s trying to convince me to be more active with it, but for now he is running a big part of the social media side. I asked André what challenges he has had to overcome, and he said that the hardest thing is to separate the different social medias, like, you can’t post the same things on Facebook as on twitter or instagram. It’s important to separate those things, but still have them work towards the same goal, connect with the fans and market the band.
Our marketing tactics is…
to shock people. We want to go big right away. Our first ever tour was to Australia, and future tour plans are similar to that where we want to shock people with what we do and how big we can get right away. We don’t want to go in some way just because it might be the right way or the smart way. We do stuff because we want to do it, and that is how we market the band. By going big all the time and of course we market on social media and try to get on the radio, magazines or on tv.
Music Trends..
My band and I want to do stuff that are unique and just ours. I don’t put emphasis on being like other bands or artists just because their methods and music worked for them. Going your own way and creating new paths are something that is important to me, and if you can’t be big in your own way I don’t think you should get big at all.
Break Out of Eden…
This song has a long history, the main riff is actually something that was part of two other unreleased songs before this one. I wrote it in 2013 together with my old band, it never came to be anything and shortly after that I quit that band. After that the riff was part of a song played live by Velvet Insane in the early stages of the bands existence. Then this year I pieced the song together from some other stuff I had written earlier along with new compositions. So that’s how the musical part of Break Out of Eden came to be.
The things that come to mind when you hear the lyrics are of course the bible, Adam and Eve and the fact that they were in paradise but still wanted to break out from there to see other, better things. So that’s what the lyrics is about, about people who want to break out from good things, and want to show the world what they really are and not be part of a normal life. But of course, it has different meanings to different people. We want that everyone who feels a little trapped can get the feeling that they can break out from there.
New Music Coming up…
This fall we will released a single. It is a song dedicated to our local ice hockey team. It will work as their official intro song, goal song and just the song that is significant to that team. It will be released both in Swedish and English. We will record a music video along with it. The song is about not giving up, it’s a really powerful song that is supposed to make the team psyched for every game. That can be heard both in the lyrics and the music. It will be marketed a lot in local newspapers, maybe tv as well, and of course we will market it in our own social media and the teams social media.
Östersund Sweden…
The band is stationed in a little town in northern Sweden called Östersund. The music scene here is mostly metal, Americana and sing and song writers. We who play rock is sort of part of the underground scene. I started the band because I was bored of all the music in our town, something that was artistic and real, like rock is supposed to be. Rebellic and without rules, just like rock is supposed to be. For me there is only one place that is fun to go to, if you look for the music that I like. Its at a hotel called Plaza, they have a rock bar there where we have played live a few times. I am a very active person, especially when it comes to the band. So what I like to do here, is simply to make this band big. So that’s what I devote my time on.
Growing up with Music…
Music has always been in my home, my parents and grandparents listened to a lot of music, all from Dr.Hook, a little disco, Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison etc. So i grew up surrounded by music. When I was younger I remember I danced around pretending to be Elvis Presley. But the first thing that affected me for real was when my brother came home with a cassette tape of Kiss. He asked me to listen to the junk and indistinct sound of the tape, and through all the debris and noise there was Kiss, and it blew me away. So thanks to my family I have always been around music, it shaped me to the artist I am today.
Album vs Single…
To be honest, to me it’s as exciting to release either. Music as music, doesn’t matter if it’s a full album or just a few songs. The bottom line is that It’s exciting to see what people think of the new music.
Andy Kauffman…
he’s a comedian and a genius. Just because he is so funny. It’s my humor, I feel like I think the same way as him so being alone with him for five would be amazing. I could discuss things with him about being yourself and go your own way. Because that’s what he did and that’s what I want to do. Like for him, he had a hit tv show, but he felt like it wasn’t the artistic way he wanted to go, so he quit, and didn’t care about how successful it was or how much money he made from it. The only important thing was what he wanted to do.
It was the fall of 2013 when guitarrist Jesper Lindgren left his old band Pure Faith. He wanted to start a band that was going to be bigger than the world itself. Along with Jonas Eriksson and Jesper Sandström, Velvet Insane came to be. Since then, the band has both grown and shrinked. In the summer of 2014, the bass player Jesper Sandström left the band, and the pursuit for new band members made them contact Niklas Henriksson, bass, and Tobias Reimbertsson, drums. Which is the current constellation.
Since then the pace has been furious for the Swedish stationed rock band. They played a few shows and put out their Debut EP “Youth On Fire” in October of 2014. It was well recieved and opened new doors for the band. In february of 2015 they set out on a tour in Australia which was very succesful. The band grew in popularity and the individuals grew as musicians as well. They composed new songs, worked on their image and put out their second EP in June of 2015, entitled “Break Out Of Eden”.
Future plans for the band are upcoming tours and the hunt for a record label to put out their first full lenght album. A new and fresh style of music with influences from 70s rock and 80’s glam, Velvet Insane are trying to make it big with their special stage presence, strong vocals and cool guitar riffs.
Break Out Of Eden:
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