I feel like the music business can be rather cold-hearted sometimes.
Many people are selfish and looking for compensation rather than actually trying to help
their fellow artists. Nevertheless, I know there are incredible individuals in the music business but sometimes it can just be difficult to locate them! @bentorresmusic
Live interview September 7 at 6:20pm et:
Episode #357 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/09/07/episode-357-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Ben Torres Music
I feel like the music business can be rather cold-hearted sometimes.
Many people are selfish and looking for compensation rather than actually trying to help
their fellow artists. Nevertheless, I know there are incredible individuals in the music business but sometimes it can just be difficult to locate them!
I am going to be completely honest and tell you that I barely have any money.
I have played at some huge venues and I have drawn some huge crowds but sometimes that’s not even enough! Not to mention, I am 100% independent. Therefore it can be a hard task to get a regular flow of gigs but I know the struggle will be worth it in the end!
Music fills my spirit.
It gives me hope for peace and unity in the strangest of times!
Honestly, I’ve discovered so much about myself through music
so I refuse to choose any other career path for the rest of my life, even if it involves suffering.
I prefer releasing albums because it allows me to express myself more.
I plan on running a PR campaign for my next release and advertising it in every way imaginable!
When it comes to singles,
I usually only like releasing them to advertise for an upcoming album!
I despise social media.
I would rather spend my time in nature or writing music than behind a screen! In fact, if it wasn’t for music then I most likely wouldn’t have a single social media account!
Nevertheless, it does benefit my career tremendously.
I am able to send my music and keep my fans updated from all around the world, which is pretty amazing.
There is way too much emphasis on being current and trendy.
It seems rather counterproductive at points because usually by the time an artist hops on the trend train all of its passengers have already left. This results in an endless cycle of unoriginality and also makes the music industry very stagnant!
This is actually something I am extremely good at doing.
I always view life in a positive manner even when horrible things happen to me! I think this is a life choice and more than often people who are discontent with life don’t do anything to fix it! When something terrible occurs I write some of my best work and I do my best to turn something tragic into something beautiful!I really believe that others can do the same as long as they find something that’s worth dying for!
I live 100% by my own terms.
Life’s too short not to!
But one thing I can tell you is that I work extremely hard.
Before I go to bed, In make an enormous list of what I need to finish the next day and I rarely ever take a break from music!
My perspective is that you should do
as much as you possibly can in one lifetime and you should do what makes you happy!
I would love to have five minutes…
alone with the lead singer of 311, Nick Hexum!I admire him for many reasons ! The man works like an animal, he takes care of his body, his style is original, his vocal phrasing is unlike anyone I’ve ever heard before, he is extremely grateful for his fans, he puts on an amazing performance, and most importantly his message as an artist is to love your life.
Sometimes I look up to him when I am feeling down and it gives me a little more faith in myself.
My interest in music began at an early age having acquired my first guitar,
a Fender Stratocaster, when I was just 9 years old. Shortly after I began listening to a lot of older bands like Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Queen, and so on. Ever since then music has taken over my entire life.
The Life We’re Given
“The Life We’re Given” is a song about those who can not escape their past
and as a result it affects their future. It was inspired by a beautiful friend of mine who had a rough background.
Support Artist: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-life-were-given-single/id992365617
The majority of the song was written in the span of a couple of hours.
I was in my room and a sudden burst of creativity took control of me. I feel like it’s one of my most genuine and philosophical pieces of music because the writing process came so naturally. It was produced by Maika Maile from the renowned rock group “There For Tomorrow” and mastered by Chris Athens.
I am confident that my next release will touch people of all kinds
because it combines a wide variety of genres such as funk, jazz, pop, and rock. The songs all seem to have a unique topic and style to them!
After hearing things like “You need to only have one specific genre”,
“You need to make this song more radio-friendly”, “You need to change the topic to this tune”
from countless producers I made a very strong decision to block out their antics and write for myself! I think that’s what makes this release so special!
Nowadays, everyone writes so they can get on the radio,
or they can appeal to some mainstream music outlet. It’s rarely because they enjoy the art! So in other words, don’t expect to hear something that you have heard before!
Expect something new. Expect something fresh.
I live in Orlando, Florida!
The music scene has its ups and downs here. I feel like original music doesn’t flourish the way it should because it’s such a commercial city. However, there are many talented artists in the area and some very cool venues to perform at.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.bentorresmusic.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bentorresmusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bentorresmusic
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/bentorresmusic
Soundcloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/bentorresmusic
ReverbNation: https://www.reverbnation.com/bentorres9