I think the music business has changed so much in the last 5 or so years.
In many ways it has opened the door for many independents to try and make their way, but there is so much stuff out there now. With profits dwindling in the face of streaming and singles, big record companies don’t take chances anymore or give an act time to develop. I also think that with so many things pulling at peoples expendable income, the music industry is facing competition as never before. I also think that the entertainment business in general is very hard. Nepotism rules the day and in many ways there are those who make it big who really have nothing to offer but a smile and a name @BinkieBluesBoyd
Live interview
Episode #357 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/09/07/episode-357-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Boyd Edwards
I preform and record under the name Binkie Blues
I think the music business has changed so much in the last 5 or so years.
In many ways it has opened the door for many independents to try and make their way, but there is so much stuff out there now. With profits dwindling in the face of streaming and singles, big record companies don’t take chances anymore or give an act time to develop. I also think that with so many things pulling at peoples expendable income, the music industry is facing competition as never before. I also think that the entertainment business in general is very hard. Nepotism rules the day and in many ways there are those who make it big who really have nothing to offer but a smile and a name.
The pros are that there are many outlets for my music.
Like I mentioned before I produce all types of music for ads, TV and movies. This outlet can never get enough music as the need for quality music grows with each new medium that develops. As for releasing an EP as an artist, it is easy to release but very hard to be heard in all the noise. To be that one in a million is very hard.
I like releasing singles and EPs as I feel that people have a very short attention span.
I don’t really think anybody just sits down and listens to a whole album anymore.
The nice thing about social media is that you can connect with people
everywhere as never before. So even if in the US the market for my music is bad, in Germany it might be the new hot thing. With social media I can reach people that I would not have been able to before.
I know this sounds cliché, but I really don’t care what is popular or not.
I make what I like, hopefully some people will like it and enjoy it with me. You will never please all the people all the time and if you try, you will please no one.
I do truly believe what does not kill you makes you stronger.
I am a combat vet, Former Marine, and a paramedic. I have seen the worst the world has to offer, but in the pain and hurt there is greatness. I have been in some of the worst situations with the best people and always came out the other side, maybe a bit bloody but always wiser.
I just try to do my best. I try to be the best father and husband I can be.
Those are the most important things, everything else is just details. I try to be always pushing forward.
I would like to have 5 more minuets…
with my little brother. He died a year ago.
I have always loved music for as long as I can remember.
I started writing songs when I was 8 or 9. That is when I started trying to teach myself guitar. I learned a few cords on a cheap guitar my parents bought me and I guess it has just continued from there. Music has gotten me through some pretty tough times. No matter how much my life changes the one constant is music.
The single is “East Texas Trailer Park Blues”.
I came up with the song when I was working as a paramedic.
We used to go to these trailer parks on calls and I remember seeing the really bad conditions these kids were growing up in. I just thought about how a kid with some drive would make it out.
I record everything myself in my home studio. It is a gorilla operation.
Over the years I have learned a lot of tricks and spent a good bit of money to get the best sound I can out of what I have. I use Logic X as my DAW.
I really just make music I enjoy.
I really like writing and telling a story. I look at my songs as little movies played in the listener’s imagination. I have been producing music for ads and TV for a while now. This is my first real release as an artist. I really enjoyed creating it.
I live about an hour north of Houston.
The music scene here is huge. Whatever you want to listen to, it is here. The places for live music are countless.
Social Media Links:
Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/binkieblues
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Binkie-Blues-1122123331215326/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-533486429
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NpTQ0fUj9Y
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BinkieBluesBoyd
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/binkieblues