“I am most afraid of… Failing when I know that I could have given more.” – @elenafariselli
Listen to the interview
Episode #314 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/04/13/episode-314-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Music business…
I feel that I have a great opportunity in front of me but I still have to learn more about the music business before being able to make any comments about it. From what I have learnt, I can say that in the music industry is really hard to show yourself and make people notice you or listen to your music. So this requires a lot of hard work and dedication but when I have nice feedbacks or people that appreciate my music this makes me feel like my hard work is paying off. I overcome pitfalls and hurdles every day by improving myself with practice to become better as an artist.
Social media…
I like the fact that they can connect people with the same interests and are amazing to let everyone know my music. However, they have a negative side as well, as I think that sometimes, if not handled with care, they can disconnect people from the reality with the danger to be sucked in by them. So we need to be careful on how we use them and which message we send through them.
Singles vs an album…
At the moment I have released an EP with two singles which I am promoting through social media and the internet. However, I would love to produce my own album in the future and I will see and decide my strategy when the time comes.
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with…
Beyonce, because she is the perfect example of a strong, sexy and confident woman with an amazing voice and a strong dedication that makes her one of the best performer of our generation.
I take inspirations from the outer world…
and of course I can get influenced by the trends but as it has been seen in the past, trends come and go. Now the 90’s are coming back but that does not mean that I have to sing a song with that vibe. I try to stay true to myself and to what I like but if there is something that inspires me and it is trendy why not?
I am most afraid of… Failing when I know that I could have given more.
My personal definition of success is..
I think that success is when I do something that makes me proud of myself for achieving a goal. I am studying at University and getting good grades is a success in my opinion.
My overall goal for my life & career is…
to be happy and do something that I love and that I am proud of.
3 Ways that I challenge myself…
1) to practice
2) not giving up
3) to be confident and believe that something will happen sooner or later.
I always found comfort in music…
since I was a kid, whether it was a bad or good time in my life I could find a song that was representing me in that specific situation. This is why I started to write my own songs as I never felt the need to keep a journal but I still needed music to express my feelings and to find a way to say what I really wanted to say.
I don’t need a man…
The story is about a girl or a woman that does realize that she doesn’t need a man in her life to identify her. She is recriminating her ex of everything she has put up with during their relationship and that she is not taking it anymore. This song is mainly about women empowerment as women can be strong and confident even without a man by their side.
I took inspiration from my personal past experience where sometimes you think that you don’t deserve something better in your life but you do instead and especially you need to be proud of who you are knowing that you can handle things perfectly by yourself.
I think that the funniest thing that happened, if we can say so, happened when I recorded the video. I was really into the song and was singing my heart out in the middle of this street very close to a canal in hackney wick London and while I was doing my moves and a bit of dance I was almost hit by a bicycle. And probably you can almost see the guy in a scene from the video. I could see from his face that he was not understanding what was going on whit this girl jumping around and dressed like it was spring but instead it was mid of February with 1degree above zero.
Buy the song now: http://ow.ly/10snex
My songs are the reflection of my own experiences…
so everything that I write about is true to myself. Therefore, I hope that people will connect with my music and that someone will relate with them as they might help someone as many songs have helped me in my life.
I live in London…
at the moment and the music scene here is very wide and there are many places to go but if I have to pick and area I could say that my favorite on is Camden town. I have performed in some pubs in Camden and is always nice to meet other talented artist that perform their original songs because there is still so much that I can learn from them just by watching their performance.
One fun thing related to music is that I like to sing any existing karaoke on youtube while doing my dance moves in front of a mirror like kids used to do.
Social media…