“I have wanted nothing more from music except to be able to write songs that can penetrate through the noise and distractions of a day in the lives of others to say a word of encouragement or just to say I know it’s not easy but your not alone, I’ve been there to or to express feelings of joy or celebration or sadness or just to say don’t you feel this way too. Or even just to say I Love You, and ya don’t always have to say I love you, to let someone know that you do.” – @GregEastwood27
Listen to the Interview
Episode #300 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/02/24/episode-300-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
I have wanted nothing more from music except…
to be able to write songs that can penetrate through the noise and distractions of a day in the lives of others to say a word of encouragement or just to say I know it’s not easy but your not alone, I’ve been there to or to express feelings of joy or celebration or sadness or just to say don’t you feel this way too. Or even just to say I Love You, and ya don’t always have to say I love you, to let someone know that you do.
I wrote a song for my Parents and sisters…
after going through a real tough time and I didn’t have anything of any real value to give them to say thank you with. Thank you is good and a way to express ones gratitude but I wanted to give them something and I knew my parents were country music fans so I figured I would try and write a country music song for them and that’s when i wrote Family and Friends.It wasn’t all that hard and I also realize that its just a simple thank you song but when I played it for them….. with a little bit of a cracking in my voice and with a bit of shyness of saying thank you like that it just felt real personal at the time but anyway I noticed my Dads eyes and I thought I saw ’em water up just a little bit.
Though he may deny it! I had never experienced music that way and to me it was a powerful moment.
My goals at this point are…
fairly simple and that’s to try and do the best I can with each day, to try and live more in the moment rather than my regrets about the past or worries about the future. To give a little more of myself to others by listening a little better and slowing down enough to give my time to others because one thing that I’ve learned is that our time is the most valuable thing we posses.
I have to try and stay some what physically fit…
to continue to do the things that I have to do and because of things that I like to do. I want to try and better myself with my guitar playing, and try and find an internet business that you can actually make money at !!!!
to try and sum up my goals, go back to 13… haha.. I hope that you find my answers satisfactory for conversation when we meet again and thank you A.V.A Live Radio and Jacqueline Jax for this very special opportunity to be heard……….. so lets giddy up and go……. Greg Eastwood.
Because of my love for music..
and I also had friends who were trying to play music.
I Wish You Happiness…
was a song I wrote at a time when my marriage had ended. Writing it was my way of saying goodbye and I also think for me it was when I finally realized that we weren’t going to get back together, it was a good example of how writing songs for me has been something like therapy you might say,,,, hahahah……… Because after I had been playing this song for a while
and heard myself saying these words I felt like this was what I had wished that someone cared enough for me to write those words or say’em to me…..funny huh ! I Wish You Happiness,was recorded at AKA recording studio in Franklinville N.J.using studio musicians.
I just hope that whoever hears this song…
that it helps them have a little better day or to some one who’s carrying a heavy heart to say, hey, your not alone, I’ve been there to, after all that’s kinda what music or songs have been for me.
I live in Washington Township, New Jersey….
located in what we call South Jersey, and as far as the music scene goes there’s plenty of places for cover bands and open mics for the solo artist to go and be heard , and if you can’t find it here well,Philadelphia is 12 miles away. And Atlantic city is less than 60 miles away with all the shore points from Cape May to as far north as you wanna go,all the way to New York City.
Golf , Horses and music./Fun things……….
I don’t feel like I know enough about the music business…
to give a valid opinion. My involvement has been more as a fan and what I would like to think of as my craft or art as far as songwriting goes. I did have a bad experience with a so called recording and record company that gave me the business ya might say, but I’m not going to judge the business end on my lack of knowledge and naivety.
Social media is…
great for just staying in touch with family and friends that are scattered all over the country now days and all over the world. It’s also a good medium for businesses and shopping of all kinds ,but to stay on topic of social media it’s a great conduit for people interested in the arts especially music because of the ease of sending music to whoever you want digitally in some kind of file format and the ways of our use of the internet in all areas of our lives whether it’s social, business,education,science or just whatever it seems like their are few limits,except it can’t or at least not yet substitute for personal interaction which most of us still need.
I release singles…
just simply because I only have so many songs that I’ve taken the time to record and since there has been a good amount of time that has gone by since I’ve done anything at all with music I just felt like it was time to give my music another chance to be heard and when I saw other bands using reverbnation I looked into it and here we are.
If I could have 5 minutes alone with someone it would…
probably be with a successful songwriter or maybe an entertainer of some degree and I am inspired by and that would be so many that it would be hard for me to single out just one so allow me to think on this and maybe it would be someone like Marty Stewart I guess. And I picked him because of all of his associations with other great stars in country music as he himself is also a song writer.
As far as music trends go…
and if any have had a personal influence on how I write or the sound that I convey thru a melody or chord arrangement , I don’t think about those things when I write. I write songs that I like and enjoy playing with maybe a little message for a particular person or maybe even a group of people in mind. Such as the song AMERICA was written with a whole nation in mind.
I’m afraid of…
Just existing and not really living.
Social Media:
Reverbnation: www.reverbnation.com/gregeastwood8
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GregEastwood27
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gregeastwood27
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gregory.eastwood.3