“There are a lot of people in the industry all trying to reach the same goal so it’s vital you have the right individuals working with you.” – @jeffxxb
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Episode #290 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/01/20/episode-290-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Music business…
It’s completely different from what I remember but not in a good way. We seem to be now lead by industry professionals looking for a quick fix with artists and if they are not successful in a short timescale, they are dropped. The introduction of X Factor and similar programs is really unhealthy in my opinion where the artist has no “breathing space” to mature, flourish and follow their own individual path.
Pros and cons…
Getting used to adapting to new technology is difficult but I’m enjoying the process and the end results are really rewarding.
Hurdles and pitfalls…
Spending lots of time in the Studio, trying new techniques and devoting every spare minute adapting to new recording and playing experiences. Also ensuring that I save all my work to an external hard drive in case something goes wrong.
Social media…
The ability to reach out to new and like minded people at the touch of a button.
Challenges that you’ve had to overcome…
Finding the right professional people to be involved with can be really difficult. There are a lot of people in the industry all trying to reach the same goal so it’s vital you have the right individuals working with you.
I was fortunate enough to…
sign to a major record label when I left school as part of a band. The inspiration came from local musicians and bands and also a lot of 70/80’s bands such as Japan, Talk Talk, Magazine and The Stranglers.
My music tends to cover…
a wide spectrum with compositions covering the horror, thriller, action and romance genres. I’ve recently signed to a Publishing Company and involved professionals to mix and master my tracks to a more polished level. There are no plans to release an album at present although this may happen in the future. I want to concentrate on placements in the Film and TV industry at present.
Singles vs an album…
I have no plans to release anything at present as I’m still recording and composing. I’m currently involved with recording for a new Australian TV series called Sentient which I’m really enjoying. I’m sure there will be a release of my work in due course.
Thoughts of June
There’s an old film called “A Matter of Life and Death” where the lead female character named June, along with others, fight for the survival of the person she has fallen in love with. A court case takes place in heaven justifying why he should survive on Earth. I really wanted to compose a piece that reflected my passion for old films and old style romantic film scores which seem to have disappeared over the years. I wanted to increase the feeling in the music and decided to try using a real violin player as opposed to computer generated instruments as it would encourage greater feeling and romanticism. I tracked down a great violin player, Lesley Thompson, went into the studio and recorded the track. It made a huge difference and completely lifted the track even further than my expectations.
Did anything sad or funny happen during the process. I know I got quite emotional when I heard the violin being recorded, got a lump in my throat. Keep that to yourself though, I don’t want anyone thinking I’m getting soft as I get older !
I live in Dunfermline, Scotland…
The music scene is pretty vibrant where I live with lots of local talent playing gigs which is great to see.
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with…
It would have to be Ennio Morricone. His music inspires me and has done since I was a child. He just finished scoring for Tarantino’s new film (The Hateful Eight) at the grand age of 87. He has composed over 300 scores in his lifetime which I find incredible. His music touches the soul.
I have never tried to adapt…
to being anything other than being true to myself when composing my music. To do otherwise would be the wrong route to pursue and I don’t think I would feel I had accomplished anything.
I am most afraid of… Nothing…………..now.
My personal definition of success is..
Securing a Publishing deal and also being involved with Sentient in Australia. It has given me a huge confidence boost in knowing others feel the same about my music as I do.
My over all goal for my life & career is…
Hopefully film and TV placements in the future and to continue being happy whilst recording and composing.
3 Ways that I challenge myself…
1) Work outside my comfort zone when I can.
2) Work to timescales and deadlines as it stretches my skills in composing and helps for future projects.
3) Make sure I compose instrumentals that I’m happy with and not just willing to accept anything for the sake of it.
I live in Scotland. Although I am no stranger to a musician’s life on the road, my passion has always been creating soundtracks and soundscapes for film. Currently #1 on the Reverbnation local music charts and ranking #6 nationally, I have just started fielding interest from reputable publishing companies. Music is long journey, it’s only the mind that stops you from achieving whatever you want to achieve. Sometimes you need to step into the darkness to experience the light…. (http://www.reverbnation.com/jeffbernstein4)