“The true players are so out of touch with the indie artist out there that it feels like you are chasing the Holly grail! “- @KFIRMUSIC
Listen to the interview
Episode #310 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/03/30/episode-310-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Interviewing with Kfir M. Danieli
Music business…
I feel that its extremely hard to get in too and that the true players are so out of touch with the indie artist out there that it feels like you are chasing the Holly grail! With all the tons of exposure we get for free these days via the web its hard to get noticed from the vast ocean of people who are doing it. I feel like you also need so much capital that its unreal sometime especially when you don’t come from any money! But I also feel that true talent prevails and will eventually get noticed! So you MUST keep pushing life is short but amazing and we only have the NOW!
Pros and cons…
The pros are the fact that in the last few years I did manage to create some amazing work, the cons are the fact that it was so much and still is financial trial and error and personal test with each and every single person I come across…
Hurdles and pitfalls…
Can’t give up! I was raised in a harsh demanding physical and emotional up bringing in ballet school from a very young age, hard work and sacrifice is always there but when you reach your goal there’s nothing that can beat the feeling of accomplishment! I MUST do it and I will find away!
Social media…
the fact that I can find and connect to people from all over the world in one click and a good picture of course 🙂
Challenges to overcome…
Every day is a challenge, you do your best and keep on pushing…right now my challenge is money to succeed with my Indiegogo campaign and to finish this amazing EP.
Singles vs an album…
I feel that releasing a single these days is almost as much work as releasing an album, for me the singles that I have been releasing were more like mini album on their own, I was testing what kind of sound I want to go with for my album and to see how people react to my artistic decisions before I put it all out there. It was more about learning the process of making music and the journey. Now with all my experience and new demos and writings I am ready for a full EP and even an album, now its all a question of the success of my Indiegogo campaign and hopefully I’ll be able to record the full EP.
Since I had the practice of releasing few successful singles now I will use the tools I’ve learned and the connections I made to make a new release of a new EP or an album a better success, recording wise and marketing wise!
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with…
L.A Reid cause I admire his opinion and work and the artists he help bring to life!
You have to be current but you can’t be a copy cat…
you can be influenced and inspired by many musicians and artist before you but you have to find your own voice…not to mention that I don’t think that quest is ever over if you are evolving as a person you are also growing as an artist. I found it to be true also in my dancing career and in becoming a professional dancer, there’s nothing new under the sun you have to take little hints and queues from others and add your own flavor to it!
I am most afraid of…
Not being able to complete and achieve the goals I set out to accomplish!
My personal definition of success is..
I think my dance career was and is a success, I set up goals and wants as far as roles I wanted to perform and stages I wanted to work on and I achieved them all through intense work and persistence.
My over all goal for my life & career is…
To learn how to be happy… to have the means and strength emotional and physical to help others and my self.
3 Ways that I challenge myself…
1) Stay in shape by taking classes such as singing, dancing and acting.
2) Auditions
3) Surround myself by music from all over keep my ears and eyes open.
Music was always in my life…
my mom used to be a singer back in Israel where I was born and raised but I went the other way and decided to use my body as a dancer, since I was a little ashamed of my voice. Back then, I didn’t want to explore it further till later.. on when I felt I just needed to express my self as an artist more than with just my body….So as I used to sing with my body 🙂 as a student of classical ballet I fell in love with classical music though at home I grew up on pop which my mom love and my dads records of rock and roll like the Pink Floyd and the Rolling stones.
Cheap Thrill
is part of my new writings for my New EP “MUST” which I started recording and writing back in the summer of 2014. Back then I called the EP “HAVE IT ALL” after the title track. It was one of the first tracks I co-wrote with Chris Rodriguez in Miami. I think the song was influenced by the ease of the Miami heat and my old lyric writings which I started working on since 2004 and my love to Amy Winehouse music as well. The song is basically a love song more of a will to surrender ones heart to a future lover and the venerability and risk of the situation to even get hurt all for the sake of love ….
Buy the music: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cheap-thrill/id1072732410?i=1072732413
All of my music and writings are inspired from things that I’ve been through and experienced. If I don’t feel the connection to the story than I’m not inspired to do the sound. Allot of my writings come to me in the form of lyrics and melodies that many times I dream about. My last single HEART AFTER DARK (MP3 included) which will be included in its true pop/R&B style on the MUST EP was given to me in a dream, though the dance mix of it got to be Top 10 at #6 on the UK weekly pop charts last August and # 1 on the radio charts kings of spin in the UK as well.
My music is my story…
almost like a sound track for specific times and situations I’ve been through different events that got me here to this point. Growing up as a ballet dancer and leaving home at a young age and moving over seas to make a life and a dream come true led me to music though it was a very hard process.. being an immigrant and finding my feet was a struggle, though I think I managed it well.
As a dancer I performed all over the world and on the biggest stages, I grew up in Opera houses and theaters and I would like my music to reflect that in my live shows and my visuals which I think I pretty much did in all my music videos till now. The concept of my music is the best pop/rock sound that turns into the best Opera house/dance club a story teller that hopefully can relate to many different people around the globe. I want the songs to have the power to be what ever the listener want it to be and mean for each and every listener. In 2009 I joined Phantom of the Opera on Broadway and decided to take it on so I can support my efforts in creating my music. In the last year I came to a stand still with the project due to lack of work, I almost gave it up if it wasn’t for my sister that passed away few years ago from a fierce battle with Leukemia, she was my biggest support and fan and I promised her that I will finish this project… so I kept on writing and even wrote a track for her called “Don’t wanna say Goodbye” which is part of the EP…thats why I call it MUST and about to lunch an IndieGogo campaign to raise some capital so I can finish the recordings. My wish for this album is to be the best musical work I can create which will allow me to create a strong stage show to tour and share it with the world to be inspiring happy, touching and relatable to others so I can connect with an audience.
New York City…
I live in New York City the music scene here is amazing you have every possible genre of music style everywhere… The bitter End in the west village to listen to new artists.. The Metropolitan Opera House for opera and classical music which I worked in before and still do sometimes.
And Broadway of course!
I love going out with my friends to artist parties downtown and to listen to current DJ’s but I also love going to the museums alone and see art and art history it inspires me allot…
Social Media:
Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.co/kfirmusic?profile_view_source=header_icon_nav
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KFIRMUSIC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialkfir/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kfirmd/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kfirmusic/
My WEB Address: www.kfir.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/kfirmusic1