Listen to the Show live February 1 at 6pm et Episode #420: A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax :
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Tell us about the New Album
The album is done, and that is for us, a big deal in and of itself. We began collaborating nearly 3 years ago, and started picking songs for the album about 2 years ago, so it’s been a pretty long project. We are really proud of both the songs and the production value, and we can’t wait for everyone to hear it. We are also really looking forward to getting out there and promoting the album. It’s honestly something that is very close to our hearts and we are really proud of it. And we hope our the audience out there will feel it as well.
Finding balance…
A great question. None of the guys in the band are kids, so each of us have pretty major responsibilities to contend with on a daily basis. What we try to do is organize a specific amount of time for writing, recording, etc. We certainly don’t have time to waste, which forces us to work smart, focus on each task in a major way, and get things done.
Music Video Coming..
We are definitely making a video for ‘The Rose’. We want the video to move people. To get them out of whatever funk they are in. The main message in the video will be aimed towards teens and adults that are facing serious depression. We want them to know that there are other options. That they don’t have to feel so alone, and that they should never consider hurting themselves. This video is a message about living.
The band will not be in this video. We are using both actors and regular people. Our video producer is a high school teacher as well, and he is all too aware of the problems teens face today. With social media on 24/7, there is no escape from judgement for some of these kids. Those kids will be in the video, helping to make others aware of this huge issue. The video is in pre-production right now, and we hope to have it ready for release by March.
The song made famous by the amazing Bette Midler. We decided to record this track after it was recommended to us by a dear friend, Adam Waldman at Hard Rock Daddy. We were looking for a cover song to be the last track on the album, and Adam’s suggestion came just as we were finalizing choices. Once Lu worked on the arrangement, made the song a little ‘uglier’, we were hooked. We recorded the track in the usual fashion. First on our phones and computers, and then in the studio for final touches on vocals and guitars.
The song, “When you first hear”…
it is most obviously about love, lost love, or trying to find love. But we feel the lyrics also speak to simply being lost. There are so many ways a person can feel a sense of confusion, anxiety, and depression. We want the song to make people feel that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The seed will become a rose, but you have to wait for it sometimes.
What is the current direction that you are taking with your music and production these days..
The direction of the band moving forward will be more of the same honest sound. We already have several tracks in the works for the second album. There will be a difference in the way we record this record. We are rehearsing with some amazing musicians for some upcoming shows and we would like to rehearse all the new tracks with them before recording. Lu and I, and our producer Dusty handled all the playing on the current album. So we are excited to hear what our drummer Franklyn, and bass player John will bring to the new tracks.
We handle all of our own social media….
Lu is really the master behind promoting the band. He spends a lot of time working on all the social media platforms as well as trying out different types of promotional avenues. I am so thankful to him for that. It is not my strong suit, that’s for sure. His brothers, who live in L.A. Have recently began helping with our social media, which is great. They are pretty in tune with what’s happening out there. We look forward to including more ‘on the fly’ type posts as we get into rehearsals, playing some gigs, and then getting back in the studio.
Name three things every new music artist should know coming into this industry..
Three things..
1. Work
2. Very
3. Hard Or forget about it !
What do you wish you have known when you started…
I think the universe puts us in a place and with people that’s meant for you , Some people are meant to be ,some are for you to learn from and some you need to let go ! If I knew what I know now with this same band line up I had when we where 16 then we would be super stars. But not everyone gets to be The Rolling Stones or Black Sabbath At this point. Live , love , learn and move forward !
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