Artist: Kristin Moura
I am singer songwriter from Boston, MA and I live in a virtual world….
I spend most of my time playing video games, working, writing and creating 🙂
My focus has been on writing and created…
I pitch songs monthly. Having the ability to be able to pitch monthly online constantly draws on inspiration to keep writing. Especially when I get maybes and no’s. It’s pushing me to keep writing to see what will work. Or the ones that say “great song, but doesn’t beat what we have”. It’s a reminder to always be doing what you love; the more you do it; the more drive you have for creating long term self success. This next year I’m looking forward to endless amounts of opportunities and opening more doors.
My earlier work is strongly influenced by pop, rock, and punk artists of the 1990s and early 2000s including: Backstreet Boys, Simple Plan, Demi Lovato, Avril Lavign, and Green Day. Alongside the wide array of what I’ve listened to; I’ve drawn some inspiration from video games. This led to a darker theme among earlier released music.
Currently, while working with a new producer I have created a new sound. It’s more singer / songwriter and I have opportunities to be able to pitch as a songwriter this past year. Working with new people gave me a motivation to just write.
I have had the opportunity to have my song Tidal Wave be in the running to be in a Super Bowl commercial. I also have songs being pitched to 2 different artists currently. We’ll see where the songs end up!
Song name: Tidal Wave
Music Genre:: Pop
Tidal Wave is about how we experience life and what goes on around us. There are so many obstacles that we all have to face on a daily basis. Even though there are so many things “crashing down” around us; we can still be lifted from the ground and still come out on top. So much of what goes on in life can either bring us down or up and it’s up to us to decide that path. The song is an upbeat reminder to stay positive throughout all the crazy
Link to play::
I think the most influential things to me are the people and things i see along the way. Each person has their own story, Each experience is another story. How you see it; is another story. Whether bad or good; it’s another song that will help someone else.
Making the music…
While there are so many ways you can put a song together; this is mine. My process starts with a concept. I just start writing whatever comes to mind that is associated with the topic.
My outline almost looks like a short story after I have brainstormed. Each verse is like answering a different question; much like the chorus.
If you think about a story, each paragraph is about a topic and you move on to the next. It comes down to refining your thoughts at this point. Put it all together; what do you want to say when; what do you want to say period. Once I have lyrics written out, i take it into a studio with other songwriters; and we start with a beat and let it flow and mess with melodies.
Favorite music or success quote…
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” — Thomas Edison
What are 3 things you’ve learned this past year..
1) Don’t say no to a new opportunity. It can change things for you. Except it
2) Be you and don’t let others tell you otherwise
3) There is so much more we can do; we need to try not to limit ourselves.
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