“There are so many things you can look back at and say – ‘If I knew then what I know now…’ But you can’t really question your journey.” @LoudenSwain1
Listen to the Interview : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2015/05/28/episode-237-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax
Coming Together…
In about 1996 Mike, Rob and another friend began getting together weekly and playing mostly cover songs, which eventually morphed into trying out Mike and Rob’s originals. We eventually got up the courage to play a few of them at a house party— just to acoustics and a bongo. But the songs were catchy and caught the ear of Steve Norton, who was at that party. He introduced himself as a drummer and Louden Swain was formed. We recorded an album as a foursome, then parted ways with our original lead guitarist and played as a threesome for an album and a 1/2. That’s when we met Billy— a lead guitarist for another LA band called Lost In Mayberry, which had just broken up. When he joined the band in 05 we became what Louden Swain is today.
The song “lucky” is about feeling unlucky. About feeling that nothing ever goes your way, and looking at others perceived successes and thinking it all comes down to luck- you got lucky and I didn’t. Ironically shortly after Rob wrote the song, he suffered a stroke, which initially effected his speech, it was life changing and a very scary time for the band. But he recovered and almost immediately went into the studio to record the album. The stakes of the song increased as it became even more personal for him. Buy song: http://apple.com/us/album/sky-alive/id840941765
The Music Scene in LA..
Living in LA there is all kinds of music everywhere. The challenge is not just being “another one of the bands”. One of the best things to do as a band is to get out of LA. We’ve been fortunate to play gigs all over the world, where people are really excited to hear us play. That being said, we still love LA and it is one of the best places to see live music. Venues like the Hollywood Bowl and The Greek are magical. Rob goes to Coachella every year, which is always inspiring to his writing.
With 5 albums under your belt, how do you feel you have changed in the progression of musical journey..
We have gone from a garage rock trio to more of a full fledged rock band. Adding Billy to the group made it easier for the band to play the songs just how they were meant to be played. It added another layer to what we were able to do. It gives us more freedom in the writing of the songs.
Looking back, is there anything that you would do differently if you started fresh today..
There are so many things you can look back at and say “If I knew then what I know now…” But you can’t really question your journey. There were limitations when we started: the internet wasn’t very developed, Rob’s acting career was just starting so we didn’t have time to get into a van and tour like crazy. But now we’re at a place where we are STILL playing— playing to crowds of people who know our lyrics, playing to people who are just finding out about us, and that is what keeps us going. So yeah, if I knew then what I know now…but I didn’t and now I do- So I’ll use it to my advantage and not make similar mistakes again.
Doing what you love, and making enough money to keep doing what you love.
Fronted by lead singer and actor Rob Benedict, Louden Swain also includes bassist Mike Borja, lead guitarist Billy Moran and drummer Stephen Norton. The band has just completed its fifth full-length record – Sky Alive, on their own 3 Car Wreckords label.
Their music has been featured in Supernatural, The Real World, movies A Little Help, The Sidekick and Snakes on a Plane. Their show can be described as an emotional eruption of energy, marked by Norton’s hard hitting rhythm, Borja’s infamous dance movies, Moran’s improvisational guitar solos and Benedicts off-the-cuff humor.
The band will be touring behind their fifth full length studio record, Sky Alive, released in the Spring of 2014.
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