I am fortunate to work with a crew of professionals that love music and know it well @dabria.dabria
Live interview
Episode #361 : A.V.A Live Radio Behind The Music with Jacqueline Jax : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/avaliveradio/2016/09/15/episode-361-ava-live-radio-behind-the-music-with-jacqueline-jax
by Jacqueline Jax host of A.V.A Live Radio
Anette Mendoza – Singer
Juliet Curiba – writer
I am fortunate to work with a crew of professionals that love music and know it well.
Well, the cons is the competition in getting our music heard.
The other con is that the music industry is not really based on talent but demand.
The good side of all this is that Dabria is based on talent, not sex or violence.
We make music that has quality vocals, quality lyrics and quality music.
I don’t feel any different, I am happy to release anything.
My goal is to go from singing covers to successful recording artist. I know our marketing budget is not big and we can’t afford to just go into full production on 8 songs at once. So, we released singles to start getting our name out there and get some recognition.
Our marketing strategy is simple, we do what we can or can not afford.
Social Media has helped to level the field between the poor independent artist
and the big recording companies. Social media has helped us to get our songs and information in front of thousands of people without the big costs. Is this enough, “No” but does it help, “Enormously”!
I have not had the pleasure of any balance.
Social media drives what is trending. If you want to be successful then you need to go viral.
My struggles have been long and there had not been many triumphs
until I started working with Dabria and even then our hopes were high and disappointments came. But Our production manager always believed in me and always encouraged me to continue. He believed I have one of the best voices in the industry. It things like our journey is still going uphill but the incline is leveling out a little. We do have fans and a following now. We all believe once we release this CD that Dabria will be a known name in the industry. People will know and see that we are here and we are serious.
By taking those negatives and turning them into positive
and taking the Positives and turning them into successes.
I would love to have 5 minutes with Tina Turner.
I would love to sing a duet with her she has always been my favorite artist and inspiration. Early in my singing career I used to sing a lot of Tina’s music. Tina overcame major obstacles and abuse but still managed to come out on top in the end. She didn’t give up .
Anette – I started singing cover songs when I was 5 years old.
My father is a great singer and maybe I got the talent from him. He and my grandma, even knows how to play guitar, so I guess music really runs in our blood. Then I started singing professionally when I was in College.
It is an acoustic love somewhere a young man and a young woman
are attracted to each other but both of them are too shy to make a move. They end up stalking each other through social media and making it a point to be in places the other one will be until they finally “connect” with a kiss.
Juliet – This song was just once an Acapela record
and written on a piece of notebook paper, but it was given a chance to be recorded when I discovered Dabria Group and they gave me a chance to show off my talent in writing. I became Dabria’s production Writer and it’s a huge pleasure to me they are the one who opened the door for me to possibly reach my dreams in music industry.
Dabria became my second family.
Despite of our distances since we are living in different places, Dabria made it possible to make us united. We believed that all of us who share the same passion in music are gathered together for a reason. And let us figure out what is it…
Support Artist: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=Dabria
We are currently in production on completing an eight song CD of mixed genres.
Currently we have our first release Cyberstalker and our second song dropped about two months ago, “Just Say Yes” is an R&B love song. Mainly because we want to show how versatile Dabria is and the degree of talent we have in our singers and writers. Our producers create a wide variety of music and we have the talent to carry the vocals to the level of the industry greats like Toni Braxton, Whitney Houston. Our next two songs are R&B / HipHop Crossovers and we have two house songs we are prepping for full production.
Both Juliet and Myself live in Manila, Philippines.
Our manager and producers are located in San Francisco Bay Area. There are thousands of places to go to in Manila. It depends on what you like. The clubs here are not like the clubs in US. Most of the clubs are not oriented towards dancing to Bands of DJ’s but they feature dancing girls that work the audience to drink more. They have a more sexual orientation. Most of the places I work are dinner clubs or high-end hotels.
Social Media Links:
Website: http://dabrialive.com/
DabriaLive (Facebook Group Information and Events): https://www.facebook.com/Dabrialive/?fref=ts
Dabria Dabria (Facebook Wall): https://www.facebook.com/dabria.dabria?fref=ts
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-2ED9_h-J_whR1F186NHCw/videos
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marilou-shurn-92326957?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/dabria-dabria/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=Dabria