Ellen DeGeneres’s tWitch Gets His Own YouTube Series

Called tWitch, Please…Help Me Dance, the series debuted today on DeGeneres’s YouTube channel and Ellentube. In the show, Boss teaches guests how to dance, starting with a high school senior in California who dreams of dancing next to Boss at his prom.

Chris Lee a New Direction in Songwriting

Basically I’m looking forward to looking back, and seeing the real growth I’ve made with this new direction and renewed focus on social media. Then I’ll start planning to take it to the next level. In other words: taking the shots.

Matia Writing The Road You Have Traveled

I realized I could have never written the songs that I am writing now if I had not traveled the road that had been laid out for me. I am grateful for everything I have been through, all of those experiences, and for being here right now.

The Heroes and Struggles That Inspire Cachet

CACHET means seal of approval or Mark of quality in the dictionary. I am determined to bring quality music to the public and always stay honest because I’m a realist so I feel like music should be based around those areas. I incorporate knowledge & quality in every song I write (hence my name Cachet) to help people not make the same mistakes that I have made or to achieve the same success I have achieved if at all possible.

Madstone Making Music In Texas

Don’t sit around thinking that when the chance to show your artistry finally comes around, and it’s the right people, that they are going to sit around waiting for you to bone up, Be ready, get there now. Be the best you can be. The time to shine will come, be ready when the time comes.

Sharon West For the Love of Songwriting

I always wanted to sing professionally but unsupportive relationships in my late teens meant that I lost a lot of confidence in my musical ability and shelved my singing dreams for a while. When I was 21, I was asked to audition for a band after a band member heard me singing karaoke on a night out. I got the job and went on to work with a number of bands on the cabaret circuit and then moved onto working with original bands in more recent years.

Popichil’O Turning Poetry Into Music

I began writing poetry at a young age which eventually progressed into writing actual songs as a way to express myself creatively. It became a necessary outlet in order for me to understand and process certain thoughts and emotions I was feeling or going threw at any given time in my life. The good, bad and the ugly. It became therapeutic in a sense. Music allowed me to lose myself and find myself at the same time.

Homerik What Inspires Their Music

Their journey brings together people who want to escape the clutches of reality. To return to a place where you are never judged and only understood. Their commitment to their fans is one they treasure deeply, for Homerik is not just a band but a message for others to live life as full as they possibly can. To be “Homeric” is to be epic; the way life should be.

Maintain The Balance with Country Songwriter Matt Tucker

It’s very hard sometimes to maintain balance in my life with music. I go through spells where it feels like rock bottom, but you got to keep your head as high as you can. It’s like riding a bike, walking down the street, or running… if you fall, you get back up, dust off and keep on going.

Fiona Ross Her Upcoming Tour and New Album

I write on my own, just me, my piano, pencil and paper. Once songs are completed, I rehearse with my musicians to finalize the arrangements and put everything together – then it’s into the studio to record. I do tend to change things in the studio too though, and although I am always very clear on what I want to achieve and I am very open to changing things last minute – I think it’s a jazz thing!